1 minute read
This now makes it possible to install a pinion that wiII last the full life of the gear. By our method W lf[rnganese -St".I pinions can be bored, key-seated and applied in your own shops.
Advanced engineering practice demands a hard. 9:, n:lil in pinions. than in gears in order to make rne trte ot the plnion equal to the life of the gear,
This condition also adds to the life of the sear b-y main-taining the lrue ehape of the tooth, -wfiich altows the ploqer roUing-ac-tion -fqr which the tooth was desigred- in-stead of the sliding action r.hich occurs on a badly worn tooth.
For year-s unsuccessful attempts have been made to cast soft centers in manganise steel pinioni bui Esco inserts have solved tf,-is probiem..-WJ tt.re_ fore offer gou a combination'of Esco atiov sieet gears and ltsco manganese steel pinions as suDer. ior to any.oth.e-r combination on-the maiket.--fre 3ii3r LtTl'"lt arrov prnions ror use with ordinarv
Send us a trial 61ds1_t^,6 wi[l guarantee satisfaction
Early exprnsion plans of the West Coast Lumber Trade Uf911ion..Bureau, Se-attle, include the organization-oi-a retall rumber dealer department as part oI the extension Io.\_ 9 J. Hogue, manager of the Field Exienrill;;: has. Just announced that Don critchfield of Lincoln. N"t-l will head the retail conta-ct-work, beginning O;;;;;'i."il;: Critchfield is the first of .thre. -".,-to be-employed by th; Bureau. These men^wilr work directry *itii-ii"il"'r.'i" merchandising West Coast woods