3 minute read
This column of "wants,' #l':ffili;tffiLts,, is ror: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fglloql Who [_4nts__t_o Hire Rate: $2.50 per cotumn fnch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Retail maqager with.m4ny'years' experienCej and with some capital, rvants'connection in or near, Los Angeles. Know the retail,game from the ground up and have proven my ability to get business and hbld it. Have high references. Straight salary or will make con4ection with an investment. Address Box A-199, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Belknap Automatic Addressor with card system and cabinet. $25.00. Cost $75.00. Larsson Traffic Service, 268 Market St., San Francisco. 10-15-1
Secretary Openfor Position
Young woman, well versed in general secretarial work, and with considerable lumber experiencg seeks position in-southern California. Highelt type of references. Address Box F-106, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
. 200 heavy 5 ft.-lumber jacks, used for assembling Ioads-good condition-92.00 each. Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
.We have.a first class efficient box factory of 60,@ daily capacity, located in Northern Califoinia, $'iiich we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. WiU. give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-L27, care California Lumber Merchant. Ll+tf srATE MENT oF TH E owNERsHip, IITANAGEMENT, clRcurarlot{' ETC., REOUIRED BY T4'E ACT OF CONGRES9 OF " of rtie catirornia "'-*lftYrt5"'"1i i"l'it"n"n spni-morttrty at'i.oi -dngeles, Cal.. for April l, 1926.
Staie of Calilornia - 1."
County of Los Angeles, t Before rne, a Notary Public in atd lor thc gtatc and "ouoty .fdiosaid. oersonally. aooeared Phil B. tlart. uho. havinc been drlly rworo according to law,- -dcposcs and says tfnt hi is thi Managing Editor of The California Lumber Merchant. and that the follou'ins is. to thc bcst of his knowledgc and bclief, i true statement of th; owneruhip, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), ctc., ol thc sforesaid oublication for the data shown in thc above caDtiob. iequired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411-, Po'stal J.aws and Regulations, printed on tbe reverse of this form, to wit3
L That the namcs and addresses of the publisher, editor, managiog editor, and busincss managers arc: Publisher, J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg,, Los Angqles; Editor, J. C. Dionne,3l8 Central BIdg., Los Angeles; Managing Editor, Phil B. Hart,318 Central Bldg., Lbs Angelcs; """i:ti"n#"lt15t[";,rlr"i?, (rf ownect by a corporation, its namc and addrcss must bc statcd and also immediately thereunder. thc namcs and addregces of stockholders ownint or holdinq one Der ccnt or morc of total amount of stock. If not owned bv a-corooratio!. the trames and addresses of the individual owners muit be gii'm. If 'o*'ncd by a firm, company, or other unincorporated cmcern, its namc and addriss, as wel! as those of each individual member, must be given.) J. C. Dionne. 318 Central Bldc.. Los Anceles.
3. That thc known bondholdcrs, morlgagces, and othcr security holders owning or holding I Der cent'or more of t6tal amount of bonds. mortgages, or other securities arc: (If there are none! so state.) None.
4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving thc namcs of thc owners, stockholders, and sccurity holders, iI any. contain aot orrly thc list of stockholders and security holders as they apDear upon the books of the company but also, i'n cases where ihe'itockhdlder or security holder a-ppears upon the books of thc company as trustcc or in any other fiduciary rclation, the name of thc pcrson or corgora. tion for whom such trustee ir acting, is givcn; also-that the said two paragmphs contain statcments embracing affiant's full knowledgc end bclicf as to thc circumstanccs and conditions uader which stockholderr and rcturity holders who do not appear uprin the books of the company at trustccs, hold stock and securities in a capacity oth€r than that of a bona 6de owncr; ud this afiiant has no reasoh to believc that any othcr perroa, association, or corporation has any intcrcst direct br indirect in the Baid stock. bmds, or other securitics than el so atated bv hitn.
5. That thc average numbcr of copicr of cach issuc of dhis publl. cation 6old or distribut€d, through tbe mtilr or othcrrirc. to ;Dtld subicribers during the eix months precedthg thc detc. ghowa ebotl |r :......... (rhis information is reeuircd"liif.d+hft?tffi3',i::."frY;J Sworn.to and subscribed before me this lst day oI April, 1925. . TSEAL] MAUDE B. ADDIS, (My coinniission'expires Feb, 3, 1y8.).