1 minute read

Here's ar: Extta Profit You Ought to be Getting

You aell the studding{nd by iurt mentioning th" item to the plasterer you can usudly also sell the plaster lath that goes orrer the ahrdding. And tlrose few worde pay handrome dividends.

Builders and plasterers are co.ming inincreasing numberc to the use of Buttregc Plaster [.ath because ' it is so much easier and economi' cal to "pply than wood lath+eciuie it ii easier to apply plarter , -and, a..Bultresg job has none of ,1f,g'' gdef ,that'sahvays associated with wood lath.

Buttress representativee have catled on most phsterers and prorred to tlrern that it usually costs less to useButtressPlasterLath thananyother form of wdl backtng.

Hundreds of plasterers have prgved this and are now urgrng their customers to build sound-in sulatd, fire-defiant walls of Buttress.

Sornebody in your section is taking orders for Buttrersand it ought to be you. For sales propG sition, phtrne or wiite the Buttress Manufacturing Company, 6910 So. Alr+"*" Su, Los Angelea, Calif.

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