4 minute read
Sterling Lumber Co. Yard Managers Meet In San Francisco
The yard managers of the several r.etail lumber yards of the Sterling Lumber Co. recently met at the companyrs San Francisco offices for their fourth annual cohference.
F. G. Duttle, president of the Sterling Lumber Co. presided and during the conference the plans and problems confronting the retail dealer were discussed. Among those who attended were, F. G. Duttle, San Francisco, President; F. L. Sayre, San Francisco, Secretary; A. M. Charter, Auditor, San Francisco; C. L, Fredericks, Redding; Grant Albro, Ctrico; Ray Hunter, 'Oroville; M. N. Daubin, Roseville; J. Augusta, Oakleaf ; W. H. Sterling, Morgan Hill; M. E. Hotchkiss, San Martin; Frank Haller, Hollister; H. F. Rust, Salinas; W. ,P. Wilkinsory Saratoga; George Youhg, Mountain View; L. C. Murschmidt, Penn Grove and William Middaugh, Santa Rosa.
Following the meeting, the annual banquet was held in the Redwood Lodge Room at Marquard's. After a sumptuous dinner, A. M. Charter led in commuhity singing which got the gang pepped up and "rarin'-to-go." Sbme of the boys still wanted to talk shop, so Frank Hellar pro- :ceeded to tell the yard managers how to keep their operat- ing expenses down to 12 per cent. W. H. Sterling then 'told the gang how to always keep "clears" on the top of the piles of their yard stocks of "commons", while J. Au- 'gusta had a big task on his hands when he gave his many ideas on how to operate a one man yard with two men.
Bill Middaugh won a spirited boxing match, scoring a knockout and handing his opponent a fine polishing. W. P. Wilkinson won the Charleston contest in which hb had keen competition from several of the expert dancers in the gang.
Ray Hunter and Grant Albro furnished interesting high- lights of the conference. Ray arrived in poor physical con- dition. He made the trip down by boat from Sacramento and found the voyage rough and he informed the boys that "he made the voyage by rail," still having sea-legs when he arrived. Grant arrived with his mysterious "black bag of tricks", which he guarded closely and had the boys guessing for a long time.
Following the dinner, the party,pltended the Orpheum in a body.
As enormous forests of eucalyptils trees have been lately planted in Los Angeles County, it will be of interest to our people to learn that in Algeria they are being planted ie great quantities for railroad ties. and they make an excellent tie, too.
-Los Angeles Express, Feb. 25, 1876.
Construction ,ot , Weyerhaueser's Longview Plant Will Start This Year-New Manufacturing Methods Will Be Used
George S. Long, general manager of the Weyerhaeuser that actual construction Timber Co., announced recently of the ,company's Longview plant would begin this year, Longview thts year explaining that the delay had been caused by the inability had caused by rnabthty of the company to decide upon the type of plant to build. A radical departure in methods has been worked out and is considered bv eneineers to bb a lons steo forward in by engineers long step manufacturing f ractice
The edger and the gang will be of secondary importance in the new plant, the company proposing to manufacture :rs much lumber as possible on pony bands, behind each head rig, making cuts as thin as one, two or three inches and turning the cants as frequently as necessary to get all the clear the stick contains. Mr. Long says that the plant will not altogether abandon the edger and gang system, but the company anticipates some marked saving by the new method.
How unbasy is his life, Who is troubled with a wife! l Be she ne'er so fair or comely, Be she ne'er so foul or homely, Be she ne'er so young and toward, Be she ne'€r so old an{ forward, Be she kind with arms enfolding, Be she cross and always scolding, Be she blythe or melanchoty, Have she wit, or have she folly, Be she wary, be she squandering, Be she staid, or be she wandering, Be she constant, be she fickle, Be bhe fire, or be she ickle, Be she pious or ungodly, Be she chaste, or what sounds oddly: Lastly, be she good or evil, Be she saint, or be she devil,Yet, uneasy is his life, Who is married to a wife.
-Charles Cotton.
Success lies, not in Elhieving what you aim at, but in aiming at what you \gfrt to achieve, and pressing forward, sure of achievement, here or hereafter.-Horton.
Yet They Do Say He
Methuselah ate what he f A LONG TI,ME
And never as people
Did he note the a
He ate it beca
He wasn't dist Devou\ng
To think Ora on his plate, when at dinner he sat, or a pie, s lacking in granular fat, of vitamines shy.
He cheer Iy chewed every morsel of food,
Lest gestion he lived by worries or fears, be hurtbya fancy dessert, over nine hundred years.
A m4n said tq
"Sir,.f exist !'1
A DITIT NSWER the u erse, fjHoweveri' repli e universe. "that fact has not created in me any sense ot ligationf'
The Baby
"Where have I come from, where did you pick me up ?" the baby asked its mother.
She answered, half laughing, half crying, and clasping the baby to her breast:
"You were hidden in my heart, as itls desire, my darling'
"You were in the dolls of my childhood's games; and when with clay I made the image of my God every morning, I made and unmade you then.
"You were enshrined with our household deity; in his worship I worshipped you.
"In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother, you have lived.
"In the lap of the deathless Spirit who rules our home you have been nursed for ages".
-Radindranath Tagore.
There is no short-cut, no paterf tram-road, to wisdorri.
After all the centuries of inyefon, the soul's path Jies, through the thorny wildernes'ry/fthich must still be trodden I in solitude, with bleeding l/et, with sobs for help, as iti was trodden by them of old time.
-George Eliot. ) BANKR CY
"Dad, what is bankruptcy?j
"Bankruptcy, my sor\ your hip pocket, and let hen you put your money in creditors take your coat."
They Different
"I can't see the point in contributor. joke," said the editor to the
"Oh, that's all right" the contributor. "Your readers will see it. They're