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DIAG(|]{AI SHEATHII{G IS BEST Now it costs no more with Weyerhaeuser 4-rquare E Jl| D t tS$
O Diagonal sheathing, with as much as 7 times more bracing stength, has always been desirable Nowyou can build with diagonal sheathing and secure its strong, tight advantages-at o finr,shed cost no gteatnr tlnn tttot of lwrizontal applicotiotts.
'Weyerhaeuser 4-Square ENDLESS LUMBER with both ends and edges tongued and grooved saves time, labor, waste and moneylor the builder. Helps the owner get a better, stronger building, Iaster and Ior less.
ENDLESS LUMBER comes in sheathing, siding, lining and ceiling patterns-a modern, improved product. And you can seIL it for olnwst anty iob! 5I7o of. the average larm building can be built with ENDLESS LUMBER.
This product possesses advantages which develop volume sales quickly. Its exclusive building Ieatures enable you to avoid price competition and realize a legitimate profit on every sale. Get the details. use the convenient coupon.
(Contiuued from Page 6) simple way I have marveled during the past year or so, how they could go up, with so much anxiety and distrust abiding in the minds of business folks generally. So, having marveled that they went up, I can hardly feel surprise at their fall. It is the tangible materialization of previous fears that is bringing the stock market down.
The unbalanced budgea, ,n" Ulo, ,itrr"tion, with Government so evidently pro-labor; the money situation which not even the brainiest business man pretends to understand nor believes that anyone else und.erstands; the threat of more and still more regulation; the threat of more and still more taxes on top of the already top-heavy burden business is carrying; the threat of new and added methods of taking from those who have and giving to those who have not; the feeling of being at the mercy of the caprices of dl the impractical and inexperienced experimenters in Washington; and with all these and many other worries on the debit side of the thinking ledger, not one leavening or softening indication of a fair deal for those who can think and work and produce as opposed to those who cannot or will not or do not-this, ry friends, in the opinion of a country boy, who doesn't pretend to be able to think in our present-day fashion, is the pyramid of pressure under which the stock market has been sinking.
Many point to the high tide of business in terms of volume, etc., as an indication of the return of prosperity. True. But a scared man is never a healthy man, and a frightened business consciousness will never permit the return of dependable business health. No matter what the physical volume of business might attain under present co'nditions, what every business man is still waiting and fervently praying for is a relaxation of pressure from the various business goblins enumerated above; a return of at least some portion of that general business situation that we used to call "normal." Yet the straight-thinking man who utters such heresy is automatically dubbed as an "economic royalist" and an undesirable citizen who wishes to grind his heel in the faces of the poor.
If every business man could know today that there would be no more wild spending of public money' no more new taxes, no more regulation, no more monkeying with our money, the guarantee of fair and equal justice for both labor and capital, no more arraying of class against class, and no more sessions of Congress for at least four years, you would see a business boom the like of which has never yet been known, with a good job at good pay for every man willing to work for a living. Which, of course, is wishing for the rainbow. It won't come.
Ihese Salesmen Are Working For You l.'l
They Are Not 0n Your Payroll
Invited into the homes of your best customers and prospects are the leading national magazinee which are carrying Philippine Mahogany advertising. These magazinesAmerican Home, Architectural Forum, American Builder, Yachting-are in efiect salesmen on your stafi. Profit from their ealeg work by stocking Philippine Mahogany and telling your customere about it.
lVrite for illrctrated, descriptioe booAlet n Phili7line Malngatty Mantfacttrcrs' Import Association, -111 VestSeoe*h Strcct, I-as Angeles, Califorila.
Insulite dealers have a big advantage over the ?yetage lumber dealer. Insulite dealers sell oationally advertised prod' ucts for which a constant demand is created. A demand not only for a single product, but for a complete wall of bal' anced construction that embodies good desigo, amazitg strength, weathertight construction and efiective insulatioaThe Insulite \trall of Protection.
IThen you sell the Insulite Sfall of Protection you sell ALL the material required for its constructioo. You sell the lumber. You sell the insulation. You sell t{re storm sash and double glazing for the windows. That is whY we saY you get ALL the profit when you sell the Insulite Vall of Protection.
Builders Prefer the Insulite Wall of Protection Because It
o Ptovldes gteat braclng strength.
o Provides eGonomicallY balanced insulatlon.
o Reduce the passage of sound.
o Guards agalnst Inffltratlon of dampness and humldltY.
o Reducescondensatlonand molsturc aGcumulatlon wlthln the wall.
o Provldes t qualltyr woathertltht wall.
o Lengthens llfe ol home. @r'r.r.co.