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State Retailers' Annual Convention

November 4-5

A very constructive business program that should be of interest to every lumberman in the State has been arranged for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association that r.vill be held at Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, California, on Thursday and Friday, November 4 and 5, 1937. The tentative program appears elsewhere in this issue.

J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel, the Association's vice-president for the Northern District. is general chairman of the Convention Committee and is being assisted by a committee from the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club.

' Registration rvill be held on Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon, the annual golf tournarnent will be held on the Del Monte course. There rvill be skeet shooting, tennis, and trips through the fish canneries for those who do not play golf.

Thursday evening, the annual stag dinner and entertainment is scheduled.

The business program will be held on Friday, and cash attendance prizes will be awarded at the opening of both business sessions.

The annual banquet, dance and entertainment takes place on Friday night.

The exhibits will be unusually attractive this year and will be housed in the Copper Cup Room.

Entertainment of special interest is being arranged for the ladies rvho will attend.

Hotel Del Monte is well situated lor the convention, and is served by excellent highways and directly by the Southern Pacific Lines.

Del Monte is a paradise for motorists. There are many iuteresting scenic trips, including up the Carmel Valley to the l\fission of San Juan Bautista, and the Redwoods of Santa Cruz. Del l\'[onte Forest alone has more than 100 miles of scenic boulevards .ivithin its toll gates.

The Roman Plunge in the hotel park with its heated salt water rvill appeal to srvimmers.

And convention visitors rvill no doubt lvant to take the famous 77-mile drive around the l,fonterey Peninsula.

Retail Concern Remodels House

In order to give a practical clemonstration of ri'hat anv owner can do to remodel his l-rorre the Burlingarne Lumber Company, N{illbrae, recently purchasecl an old house at 10 Palm Avenue, Millbrae. The reconstruction was corllpleted and the house opened for inspection October 2.

Prodttcts of the Celotex Corporation, Armstrong Cork Products Company and tl-re Woocl Conversion Companrrvere used. The house rvas rebuilt on FHA specifications and financed on a FHA loan through the Bank of America. S. Kempthorlle, general contractor, was in charge of the construction.

The modernized house presents a most attractive appearance, and as all the products used possess a high degree of insulation it will be easier to heat in the rvinter and more comfortable to live in during the summer.

Celotex products were used in the living room, one bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe insulating interior finish was used in the second bedroom. ancl the dinette l'as built of Nu-Wood.

Visits Northwest Operations

George R. Kendrick, sales manager of Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, left October 2 for the Northwest where he will visit the company's' oflices arrd mill operations. He will be gone about trvo vi'eeks.

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