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Thousands of Curtis Dealers have had a window on their eales force for over 5 years! For when Curtie brought out the Silentite Insulated Window in 1932, it went to work selling quality and satiefaction for the dealere who handled it.
Now they are eaying 1938 will be a big building year-and some think it will be one of the beet in history. And the profits that have come to dealers selling "painlesso' windowe (Silentite) can be yours when you tie up with Curtis.
For American families are tired of 'owindow pains." They positively don't want windows that rattle, stick and leak heat. That's why they took Silentite to their hearts. Silentite was the first major improve' ment in nearly 300 years!
Silentite is a foolproof window. It savee fuel dollars because it is properly weather-stripped. It went through Kansas dust storms and the Ohio River flood without damage. That's why you can sell it, easily and quicklyo to the Mr. and Mrs. Americas in your town.
Called the ooworld's greatest woodwork Ealesman" by many successful dealerao Silentite helps sell other iteme from your stock, helps them stoy sold.
Let us give you more details on Silentiteo on its little brother the new Silentite Casement and on other Curtis woodwork. Get detailE on the Curtie Franchise so that you, too, can enjoy the profits from this valuable connection. Just use the coupon.