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\f,|I{EN you sell insulation, you sell Y Y comfort. But when you sell Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe Insulation, you sell comfort plus noise-quieting, plus decorationl This modern insulating material is factory-finished in color-at no cxtra costl And that means quicker sales, eaaier profitr, and pleased custqncrs.
The rmooth aurface of Temlok De Luxe is finished in six pleasing colors-ash, coral, cfeam, gf,een, walnut, and white. This color finish provides a value in addition to Temlok's full insulating efficiency. It makes possible both insulation for comfort and fuel economy, and decoration in one material. The exclusive combination of smooth surface, broad range of colors, noise-quieting, and full insulation value interests buyers and helps close sales quickly by offering extra advantages.
Temlok De Luxe Interior Finishes are furnished in a wide variety of formr boards, planks, panels, and tiles. Thesc units combine readily to produce original decorativc efrects. Cemented in place with Armstrong's Temlok Adhesives (available through your Tcmlok wholesaler), they provide an interior finish that is complete as soon as it is installed, requires no additional painting or finishing. Dealers aay Temlok De Luxe sells on sight-either for home or office, residence or commercial building and Temlok's range of gix amart colors eliminates most competition.
Armstrong's plan of wholcsaler distribution assures prompt delivery on your orders for Temlok De Luxe, Temlok Insulating Board, Insulating Lath, and Hardboards. Write today for complete information and samples of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe. Use the coupon at right.
Anxsrnolo Conx Pnonucre Courary Building Mgterials Division
1008 Concord St., Lancarter, Pa.
Pleaae send me aamplee El, new lolder rhowing mlors D, ol the new Temlok De Lure futerior Finighes.
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