1 minute read

rffornen Wte for HnnowooD Floons oF Onrc

by ouerwhehning rnaiority !

And whoevet heard of a home where the woman's vote didn't win every election, no matter what her husband. . . poor fish. . . might nominate?

She may be a bargain hunter at heart, but never fot the intimate things which reflect her personality. Her best frocks bear a smart shop label, her hats ditto, her antiques are genuine and her table silver is Sterling. So, she knows all about labels and hallmarks because they banish all doubt as to pedigree.

Right there she'll be amazingly responsive to the quality appeal of NOFMA Cetified Oak Floors. For NOFMA is the only Oak Flooring bea.ring the coyyrighted label of its makers. . the warranty mark that certifies guaranteed grades according to the Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce. Tell her about NOFMA's label and the price of her rooms completely floored, and you'll speak the language she knows. But mention oak floors at cost per thousand feet and she'll be looking out the window.

We've just pthrted this useful foliler thot telk her the storlr of Peiligreed Oalc Floors in the uay she'll underctand. Send for yout FREE Quota toilay (your n,o;me oaer printed at cost).


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