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THIS MARK Guards Your Profits, and Your Customer's Property
TO YOU the mark means protection from unethical practices. Wolmanized Lumber* is sold only through regular trade channels. Well-known producers stock it, so you can get prompt shipment in straight or mixed carloads. Or you may have your own lumber treated at our plants.
TO YOUR CUSTOMER, the Wolmanized* mark is assurance of a reliable treating job, pressure-impregnation with Wolman Salts*, the specific safeguard against decay and termite damage. It means clean lumber, that can be nailed, stained, or painted. The salts are odorless, non-leaching, and non-corrosive. And the mark means low cost, less than 2/s addrtion to the expenditure on an ordinary house, because treated material need be used only for subfloors, sills, joists, etc.
THE MARK PAYS. IT HELPS YOU SELL. Aggressive dealers find that selling Wolmanized Lumber wins prospective customers. People who want reliable protection buy where it can be bought. Give them a chance, by telling the story. Our nearest office will gladly give you full details.
^" onn t"yrtoi!..suth Broadway, san Francisc"' tt!"!r.J friitSotnety Stteet,
*Regiltered Trade-IVtu&
Ten Years Ago Today
From the October 15,1997 lssue
Harry White, White Brothers, San Francisco, attended the National Hardwood Lumber Association cottvetttion at Chicago. On his return to California, he stopped off at Los Angeles wirere he rvas tendered a luttcheon at the Jottathan Club by the Los Angeles hardrvood dealers.
An outdoor frolic was held at Del Mar by the lumbermen of the San Diego district, Saturdav, September 17. I)uring thc afternoon beach sports rvere held ttnder the direction of Harry NIcGahey, and Frank Parks was in charge of the golf tournament. Dinner rvas served in the Hotel Del Mar dining room at 7:00 P.M., and H. G. Larrick of Solano Beach, r,vho was general chairman of the party, introduced Jack Dionne of The California Lumber Merchant as master of ceremonies. There was a fine entertainment program rvhich rvas followed by dancing until midnight.
Winners in the golf tournament were: lorv gross, Jack Dionne; high g'ross, C. T. Pollar; San Diego Hoo Hoo Cup, Earl McCormick; first prize irr blind bogey, John Cooley; second prize in blind bogey, Willie Lo'rv; best dressed and best equipped golfer, Ed Culnan.
Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, helcl their fifth annual picnic at Rose Hill Park, Pasadena. There were nearly 500 in attendauce, including the employees and officials of their Los Angeles plant and their other yards close to Los Angeles. Outdoor sports and dancing featured the entertainment program.
The new plant of the I-ittle River Redwood Co. at Madera has been completed and they had their opening on October l. The entire plant is built of Redrvood, and is one of the most modern and attractive retail lumber yards in the state. Jim Chase is manager of the yard.
Installation of the nerv officers of the East 13ay Hoo Hoo Club was held at the Leamington Hotel, Oakland, September 16. The new officers are: Clem Fraser, president; Milt Hendrickson, vice-president, and Carl Moore, secretary-treasurer.
An article on "The Manufacture and Uses of Portland Cement," by T. K. Partridge, sales manager of the Southwestern Portland Cement Co., appears in this issue.
W. B. Whitcomb, manager of the Wheeler Pine Company's mill at Klamath Falls, rvas a recent visitor at the company's head office in San Francisco.
Perry Dame, Western representative of The Upson Company, is back in Los Angeles from a business trip to Northern California and Nevada.
Annual Community Chest Appeals
For two thousand years the story of the Good Samaritan has been the lesson for man to relieve the distress of his neighbor-and the obligation itself is eternal.
C)ctober ushers in a number of annual Con.rmunity Chest appeals up and down the coast. Tl.re leading lumber merchants ancl related concerl-ls r,vill not onl-l' be c<intacted by the Chest volunteers. but manl-, like other establishments, u'ill have their on'n "companr. cha'rmen" u'ho will rvork with the firm's teams.
President Robert G. Sproul, of the Ur-riversity of California, says: "Modern civilization may have changed our modes of living, but it has not altered the rvay of our hearts. Today the Community Chest has taken the place of personal neighborliness. . . Helping a neighbor in distress by contributing to the Community Chest is still a personal obligation and a civic duty. I believe in that spirit and endorse the Community Chest one hundrecl per cent."
Retail News
Crorvn City Lumber & N{ill Co., Pasaclena, is remodeling and rearranging their office.
Glick Bros. Lumber Co., l,os Angeles. has bought a new Ross carrier. They norv operate three lumber carriers.
O. H. I3arr, Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana, is on a trip through the Panama Canal to Ner,v York. He shipped his automobile on the boat, and rvill rnake the return trip from Nerv York by machine.
E. K. Wood Lumber Company has bought Lumber & Supply Co. plant at Riverside. the Honre
Nelson & ville. They ber of S. H.
Son, Sonoma, will open a lumber yard at Danhave purchased the lumber interests and lumFlournoy.
L. R. Varney has opened a new lumber yard at Greenfield.
Martin Lumber & Material Co., Wilmington. is opening a vard at Santa Maria.
C. C. Barr, Barr Lumber Company, from a trip to Nebraska. Whittier, is back papers of the Independent Lumber & Mill Francisco, have been filed with the Secre-
Incorporation Company, San tary of State. company.
C. R. Hansen of Oakland rvill head the
Lumber Participation Committee of S. F. Exposition Meets
The first meeting o{ the L.umber Participatior.r Comr.nittee of the Goiden Gate International Exposition met at the Palace Hotel, San Frar.rcisco, recently.
J. Drvight O'Dell, publicity director of the California Redu'ood Association, chairman of the committee, presided. He outlined the plan and purpose of the committee briefly as follows: (1) To offer general cooperation of lumber industries torvard the success of the Exposition. (2) To consider the possibility of staging a Lumber Day during the Exposition. (3) To serve, if desirable, as an intermediary between the lumber industry and the Exposition management in arranging for adequate forest products exhibits and lumber participation.
Ted Huggins, chairman of the Exposition prontotion committee, spoke in behalf of the Exposition.
The follorvinq members took part in the discussion which followed: C. C. Stibich, chairman of the promotiort cotnmittee of the Western Pine Association; George R. Kendrick, represer-rting the West Coist l,umbermen's Association; J. E. Mackie, Western manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association; J. W. Williams. secretary of the California Redu'ood Association. representitrg its presicient, Carl W. Bahr; Jack D,rbltin, president of the Wooden Box Institute; S. R. Black, exectttive secretarr' of the California Forest Products Association; A. K. Smith. representing A. C. Horner. of Western Timber Strttctttres.
M. A. Harris. r'epresentir-rg San Francisco lurnber tlealers; Clement Fraser, representing East Bay lttmber dealers, and J. B. McKeon, of the Peninsula Lttmbermen's Clttlt, spoke on behalf of the retailers of the San Francisco Bal. district.
The consensus of the meeting rvas two-fold: That a plan 'be t'orked out in which the major forest products trade associatior.rs could coordinate and exhibit in a lumber cotlrt. featurir-rg not only the fir.ral application of lumber but its methods of sale and promotion. also the most economical and feasible ideas offerecl for exhibiting at the Exposition. and secondly, that such an exhibit should include not onl1' trade promotion but a graphic description of forest conservation practices.
In view of this consensrls. C. C. Stibich, Geo. R. Kenclrick and J. E. Mackic s'ere asked to cooperate with the chairman of a rvays and meatrs cornmittee to determine the attitude of the \A'est Coast, Western Pine, and California Redu'ood Associations. together n'ith Western Recl Cedar ancl Douglas Fir Plywood industries, on the feasibilitv of such a coordinatecl exhibit.
At a secorrd meeting held by this committee, this 'plan was discussed in detail and has now been forwarcled to the promotion committees and proper executives oi the five groups mentioned.
Back From Vacation
W. H. Nigh. manager of the Pine department of ling-Nathan Co.. San Fraucisco, has retttrned from cation, spent at Victoria, B. C.