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How Lumber Looks
Sales of fir lumber took a jump lart week, indicating that the dealers throughout the state are placing steady normal ordeis for stochs that they must have to take care of the building that keepe merrily on.
From the lart- report of the Weet Coart Lumbermen'r Arsociation, the mills have not made any cerioul curtail' ment in their crrt, ar yet, the last weekly repo-rt showr their memberr mills manuhcturing 10610001000 feetr in rourd nunrberr, and the week previour the total was- l13r000-r-mp fect, the-rame annormt ar in tfie first week in October. Their ralei tooU a jump during the last week to 1(X,-(XX),O(X) feet as agairut 95r@-OTOOO for the week before. Shipmente nrn right arormd the usual IOO'(X)O'OOO feet.
-The lart report from this arociation shows that about SOTOOOT0OO feet of the new bruiness for the last week was for domestic water delivery, meaning California. They have unfilled rail orders for 5'1OO cars.
The dealerr are feeling good. At the convention of the state association at San Francisco, no less than twenty-five retailers from various parts of the state stated that they were all very keen over tte outlook in their sgction-, a1d that they taw no reason for anything but a good rteady de' rnend for all building materialr right through the winter.
.A, peculiar condition arose in the southern part- of the rtate iborrt ten dayr ago, rertilting in a runlor that the wholerale marlcet had "gone to piecer.tt From inv,ertiga' tion it was learned that -thir report had becn rtarted aft91 one or two of the wlrolesale men had offered some odd rhipmentr of rtocks that had been brought down to fill boits with rurh orderr. After the Japanere calamity a great many orderr were placed with the mills, most of them for imm-ediate rhipment. Hurried charterr were written, s{ boetr rurhed to the millr to load thete orden, reculting, of coune, in some chorttge here and there, in the loading. By
Santa Fe Announces Lower Lumber Rates
Freight rates on lumber shipped from San Diego to points east of Albuquerque on the Santa Fe railroad rvere reduced recently, according to annottncement by the Santa Fe railroad. The new rates were put into effect to give San Diego more equality with San Francisco.
'San Francisco previously had been given a lower rate to offset the cost of water transportation frorm the Pacific northwest. The new rates are the same for San Diego, ,San Francisco and San Pedro. Lumber rates to points w.est of Albuquerque are unchanged.
Advertiring Rrtcr on Application filing theae boatr with yard rtoclo, unsold, and by havins several ruch rhiprnentr reach San Pedro at about the ranre time, it wat easy for the word to rpread that rhe wa: breaking. Ar far aa we can learn, theie war no change in the licts for rtandard etocks during t{rece few,dayt, and in a very few dayr there was nothing more heard of it.
Right now the dernand ir rteady, and prica eeem to have steadied at a mark that ir agreeable between the reller and
Proposed Shingle Ordinance For Los Angeles
It is reported that an anti wooden shingle ordinance is being drafted in Los Angeles, to be presented to the city Council some time within the next two weeks.
The Fire Chief of the city, it is said, is drawing up the new law, which will prohibit the use of wooden shingles, in the fire district of Los Angeles, and at the same time will extend the fire districts to the citv limits, on all sides.
Shingle and lum'ber interests of the city have been acquainted of the facts and are preparing to make a fight against the proposed legislation.
buyer. Commons move readily, in large and rmall lotr. Green clearc are not as plentiful ar they might be, cauing an extra firmnsr on dl upp€rs. [.at[ have not changcd.
The building program caured a surprire in October, erpeciallv in the routfi. In Los .A,ngelee the indicationr ars for a $2OrOO0rqn.OO month, and way over. To the night of the 29th, the total of the isrued permitr was $191495,. 70O.0O with truo dayr to go.
Shipmentr into San Pedro indicate thc third larged montb for the year. To the night of thc 30th, 156 vsrelr werc reported with a carrying capacity of lgOrOOOr(XX) feet. There includes both fir and redwood.
The redwood mills last report ghows a cut of 1O,2M,O@ feet, practically the same as for the week previour. Their saler dropped in thb week from 9r200r0q) feet to 5,9O0,0O0.
The Southcm Pine Arcociation barometer rhowl tteir raler with a conriderable gain over the week before. Fro. duction h 90% of normal" with ralee 8g%. ln the lart week tb.ey rold 65r(X)Or0@ fcct and cut 78,(XX),0(X).