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Rate Reduction to Southern California to be Contested
Application has been filed with the Interstate Com'merce Commission by the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co. to suspend the proposed rate reduction from the Oregon territory to Southern Califoirnia on the grounds of discrimination and undue prejudice. The Larson Traffic Service of San Francisco, in behalf of the following lumber shippers and producers; Algoma Lumber Co., Frank P. , Doe Lumber Co. ; Tarter, Webster & Johnson, fnc. ; The Dwight Lumber Company; Santa Fe Lumber Company, Wendling-Nathan Lumber Company; E. U. Wheelock, Inc.; Fletcher & Frambes; Curtis Williams, and Hooper & Smith, have requested the Interstate Cornmerce Commission that the suspension of rates to be effective October 31, 1y23, be denied on the grounds that they believe the adjustment to be non-discriminatory, reasonable and harmonize in a general way certain past disadvantages existing iri ratbs previously in effect. In their pro- test against the suspens.ion of the new rates, the above lumber concerns maintain that the production and selling of domestic lumber and products should be encouraged and that such a suspension would hold up rates i,ndefinitely to the detriment of the consumer.
NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-The dissolution of the Cement Manufacturers' Association on the ground that it was a trust was ordered by Judge Knox in the United States District Court todav.
The members of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Central Lumbermen''s Club, together with lumbermen from various sections of the state who attended the State Convention as their guests, met in the French Room of the Palace Hotel, Sa'n Francisco, for luncheon on Saturday, Octaber 27. E. T. Robie, president of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, was the presiding officer at the meeting and jn a splendid address of welcome thanked the large gathering for their attendance at the meeting. R. F. Wells, president of the Central Lumbermen's Club, in fitting terms responded to Mr. Robie's address of welcome. Matters of general interest to the lumber industry and lumber market conditions' throughout the various sections of the state were discussed by I. EBrink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; Frank .Wells, West Turlock Lumtber & Mill Co.; A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; R. A. Hiscox, Western States Lumber Co., San Fra.ncisco; A. L. Porter, Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, Spokane; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; Walter Kelly, Chas. R. McCormick & Co., San Francisco; C. R. Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto, an'd Fred Connor, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Ed Garland Calls On Sacramento Valley Trade
Ed. Garland, well known Bay District lumberman and manager of the rail department for Chas. R. McCo'rmick & Co., has returned from a short business trip calling on the Sacramento Valley trade. While in the Valley territory, he was accompanied by O. L. Russum, the company's Sacramento Valley representative.
Ca[fornia Pattem Hernlock Round Edge Rabitted Siding. White River Quality Red Ceder Shingler, Star A Star Perfectr. Sanded Finish and Factory Stock.