1 minute read


Lumber, rplit grapeetakec, portr

Carlo and Reil Sbipmentc

16 C,alifonria Su -:- San Francirco

Catholic school erectcd fu 1870 now bakg dkmailled for its, sqund Rcds,ood'ltnbet

Old Land Ma* builr of Re& wood becomee new home and baf,n.

ETIFTY-TI{REE ycare ago Fathcr Henneberry

I' built thie Catholic gchool for boye at Alton, California. lt ie now being torn down for the Rcdwood lumber it contains.


They laid a strip of heavy slate surfaced roofing material on the floor of the booth, as a carpet, to show the aqount of wear and abuse that this particular line will stand.

The sample roof of "Super Giant" shingles was arranged to show the use of this material, not only as an original roof, but also that these shingles can be laid over an old shingle r'oof, without first removing the old shingles.

Samples of all kinds of felts, insulators, roll rqofings, etc., were shown, and according to the men in charge of the display, much interest was shown in the exhibit.

George Stephenson Returns From Eastern Trip

The picture herewith is of an attractive display of Richardson Roofing Products that was installed at the rece,nt East Bay Manufacturers' Exposition, at Oakland.

The Richardson Company, working with one of their northern distributqrs, Mr. A. K. Goodmundson, arranged this exhibit with the idea of showing the great variety of uses, of composition roofing m.aterials, at the same time showing some o.f the attractive designs that can be used.

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