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Some Gorgeous New Paint Publicity

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The "Save the Surface Campaign" bureau, of Philadelphia, which has been doing so much to interest the people of the nation in more and better painting, has jusd issued a new cooperative sales and advertising booklet Ior 1924. I't's a beauty,, an'd is loaded down from cover tobover with selling and advertising ideas, suggestions, andr helps that will unquestionably do a great deal to increase the use of paint next year. Genuinely fine stufi on which we congratulate the campaign committee headed by Mr. Arthur M. East, Chairman.

There are loads of interesting paint facts that the paint booster can use to advantage. The first thing the new book does is to show that there is not'less than one hundred and eleven billions of dollars worth of paint-using and paint-needlng property in the Unite? States all of which needs its surface proterted and beautified ,by PAINT. soME JOB.

Then it outlines a campaign to double the use of paint and varnis! in the United States by L928. A fine mark to set. Yet it CAN-it WILL-be done, with intelligent boosting.

'We are shown that only 25 per cent of the surfaces that need saving in this country, are really being paint-saved, and that the other 75 per cent are going begging. Evident- ly plenty of room for paint selling. What d chance for the lumber merchant who sells paint. l'here may not be a single house bill in immediate sight in his town right now, 'but there are hundreds of prospective and possibletFAINT jobs in sight, ALL THE TIME.

When business is slow-SELL PAINT. There isn't a prettier selling game in the building business, than paint selling. You can sell people TI{ROUGH THE EYES in the paint game, just as keenly as in any other possible line. It is doubtful if there is ANY other line of selling efrort in which a visual demonstration of what the thing offered can do makes so marvelous an apparent IMPROVEMENT in the other fellow's property, as'does a coat of paint.

And a neat paint stand in the lumber officb is attractive, and pleasing to the eye.

Show your paint stock. Don't keep it hidden. Don't keep ANYTHING hidden that you want to sell.

Mr. Lumber Merchant who sells paint, write to the "Save the Surface Campaign" at Philadelphia, and ask for a copy of the new 1924 sales and advertising'booktet. It will "pep" up your paint sellinS just to read it thnough, and will be a good thing to have around the office.

(Continued on Page 41.)

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Morc Distinctiae Than Gum

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Wc lw a finc *r* d fitu ,Iru Koa on h'aruI rcdy for imalr/lldc ddlws. Thrc td ls wdlw oJ cotr dlcntlon.

"Perfection" Brand Oak for flooing

It is easier to sell a well-known brand of anything. Your customers have greater confd€nce in its yalue. Stock "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring-the flooring with a long estabtisheil reputation.

We have two large plants manufacturing "Perfection" brand, plain and quarter sawed. This insures dependable service. Write today for full details. Watch for our national advertisements.

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