3 minute read
(Continued from Page 39.)
And get busy and get the paint money in your town during the next year. If the lum,ber merchant would just grab the business that is sitting aromnd crying for someone to recognize it and translate it into orders, he wouldn't have time to eat.
The Home Stretch Of Standardization
Washington, D. C., October 20.-Referring to the call that has been sent out by Chairman John W. Blodgett, of the Central Committee on Lum'ber Standards, f'or meetings of that Committee and the Consulting Committee at the Congress Hotel, Chicago, October 30 and 31, the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association made the following statement.
The meetings of the Central Comm,ittee on Lumber Stgndards and the Consulting Committee in Chicago, October 30 and 31 will, it is hoped, mark the beginning of the last phase of the program to introduce universal standardization into the manufacture and distribution of lumber.
The preliminary work of the Consulting Committee, of the various manufacturing, consuming and distributing group committees and of the Central Committee itself, has now covered the ground so thoroughly that the situation is maturing for final disposition. The Chicago meetings are expected to result in the near future in the submission to all the departments o'f lumber production, distribution and utilization of a final report for their ratification in a general conference and individually.

Glasby And Company Have Fire
Glasby and Company, Los Angeles "Speed Gets 'Em," whdlesalers of sash, doors and allied products, suffered a fire the early part of this month that wiped out the main part of their screen department, located in one qf the 7tS street warehouses.
The damage amounted to about $5,OOO.0O Mr. C. E. Glasby states that there will be no interuption in their deliveries.
For seryice in the lumber trade between Puget Sound and Southern California, the California department of the Nettleton Lumber Company of Seattle has chartered the steamship Romagne. The vessel will be operated in the mill-to-dealer service inaugurated more than two years ago.
The Romagne; Capt. Ed C.ourtney, will 'ply in conjunction: with four other vessels under charter to the Nettleton' Company's California department. She is ,a steel ship of 1,200 net tons, owned by the Lind Navigation Coryrry of San Francisco, of which Norman Lind is presidenl The Romagne has a carrying capacity of 1,850,000 feet.
At the preSent time and for months, the California department of the Nettleton Company, headed by Lee R. Gaynor, Jr., has operated four or more ships in the Cali-,. fornia service. The vessels'are the steamships Santa Inez, Brookdale and J. C. Kirkpatrick and the motorship Frank Lynch. In addition to these vessels other carriers have been chartered for on€ or more voyages when the demand for cargo space justified.
The California department of the Nettleton Cdmpany since the first of the year has shipped ,between 12,0m,000 and 15,000,000 feet of Douglas fir to Southern California ports each month and, from present indications, this monthly average will be maintained and pro{bably exceeG ed. During the last few months sailings from Sound ports to California have averaged one every fourth day.
We Offer
We also carry a complete stock of VENEERED PAllFI,s and everything in the wEy of, foreign and domestic HARDW@D LUMBER.
JrftDougall lQychen Cabinets and their sales advantages
A'f IS rignificant that the fir* hitchcn cabinct madc war a McDougall. t It ir more irnportant that thc lcadcrehip in kitchen cabinct manufac' I turing devcloped then, ir maintained now. In McDougall Kitchen Cabincta the hourelsccpcr obtainE Gvcry advantage that is available in all other &itchcn cabinctr, and bcyond that rhe obtainr thc crclucive advantagce tlrat arc availablc only in tho McDougall Kitchen CabincL
Merchantc havc lcarned that thcir burincEr can nqvcr bc bettcr than the rcputation that the bucine$ bcarr; and that reputation can nevcr be better than thc mcrchandire that buildr it.
The time has comc when evcry home-maker mult depend upon a kitchcn cabinet to asaiat her with her work if shc is to gct it done. The percentage of homea that have bought kitchcn cabinetc in your community ic sm€ll compared with thoae that are ready to buy.
The housckeeper recognizcs hcr need of the help that a McDougall will give her, and ir prepared to buy when she learns that you are handling the McDougall.
The McDougall Kitchen Cabinet ia unlihe the average cabinet. Diningroom auitcs gell at certain seaaons of the year. Living'room ruitea sell when times are good; when young pcople are marrying, and when older peoplc are mahing money rufficicnt to make changcc in their houee furnishinga. Ruge and carpcts are a etaple line, moving oeaeonally.

Thc McDougall Kitchen Cabinct aelle the year 'round because the hourekeeper lives in her kitchen evcry day and must frcc hercelf for thc intcregd! that havc multiplied in recent yearc in thc modcrn home.
The McDougall Kitchen Cabin6t is so gtandard in itc manufacture, go rcprerentative in name and standing with thc pcople of your community, and ao far in advancc in itr improvcmcnts, that it now gtandc in the houaekcepcr'r mind for cvcrything that ia bcrt.