4 minute read
Patents Decision
By this decision all five patents in suit now stand valid and infringed. tohn Schumacher and toseph Schumacher nou permit Buttonlath Manufacturing Company, Defendant, to manufacture Buttonlath on a toyalty basis under one Schumachet process pclenl.
No Wall Board License Granted Therefore Peters Wall Board Discontinued
In a sweeping decieion, following over three years of litigation, the United Statee Circuit€ourt of Ap-peale for the Ninth eircuit sustains the laat of 6ve of the most important basic patcnts held bf' John Schurnacher and Joseph E. Schumacher of the Schumachcr Wall Board Co. and 6nds dtem all to havc been infti.g"d by tire iefendant, the Buttonlath ManufactunJrg Compagy, manufacturers of Petere Wall Board and Buttonlath. This decision greatly broadens the effect of the lower Court decieion.
Defendant Granted License to Manufachrre Buttonlath
The Buttonlath Manufacturing Company has been granted by John Schumacher and Joseph.-E. Schumacher, ihe owners of the Schumacher patents, a license to manufactur€ Buttontath-a Plaster Lath-under Schumacher Datents on a royalty basis provided each piece of Butionlath is duly itamped with the words: "This board is manufactured under a license from John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher in accordance with their patent dated March 21, 1916."
No Wall Board license has been granted, therefore the manufactured of Peters Wall Board has been discontinued by the Buttonlath Manufacturing Co.
Since this decision the Buttonlath Manufacturing Company, now having purchased a license under one important Schumacher process patent, are enlarging their plant and greatly increasing their output of Buttonlath.
Warning to lnnocent lnvestors
Warning is hereby given to all innocent investors not to put money into enttrprises which infringe on any of the many Schumacher patents.
So that the public may know that the rights of thc Schumacher patents will be upheld, we give notic that all violators and infringers of our many patents will be prosecuted to the full extent of the taw.
LOOK FOR THE WORDS: "This board is manufactured under a license from John Schumacher and Joseph E. Schumacher in accordance with their patent."
This means that products bearing such a license notice are the best attainable and are the result of the years of experience and knowledge enjoyed by the Schumachers, and that no makeshifts are resorted to in order to attempt to avoid infringement.
Schumacher Wall Board is manufactured under Schumacher patents and has had the best of the knowledge and experience of the Schumachers and such improvements are protected by apparatus and patents and is the best Wall Board obtainable, Look for the name of Schumacher,
Initial Plans Made For Western Retail Convention
'Mr. Oscar A. Spear, president, and Mr. A. L. )Porter, manager of the Western Retail Lumbermens' Association, with.nine other lumbermen Qf Los Angeles, held a meeting on October 22nd, at the City Club, to discuss plans for thE
until a ,late hour. Among the invited guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freese, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bodie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trifler, Mr. arid Mrs; Sam Towle, Mr. Ben Reed, and Mr. flal Williams. The arrpngement committee of this delightful function included Hugh Handley, Eddie Brush, and Charlie Moody.
r8th to 23rd. R.
Various suitable places were con'sidered ind this matter
A. Hrscox rN*RtArros Ar uNroiv LEAG'E
was left open until a committee coruld make more investi- R. A. Hiscox, of the Western States Lumber Cornpany, gations.However the indications are that this convention San Francisco, who recently returned from an easterri trip will headquart€r at the new Biltmore Hotel. to the Atlantii Coast, had as his guests the employ.." oi

Mr' Porter has made arrangements with the railroad the San Francisco ofhces of the Western Statei Lum'ber companies, whereby all members attendin-g the convention Co., and the Hart-Wood retail yard: at the Union League will be given the usual one and one-half fare rate, also ar- Club on the evening of Octobei 12. After the din,ner, "the Slqing that the_ visitors can remain in Los Angeles until party retired to one-of the private rooms in the club, #here Wednglday of the following week, before using their re- Mr. -Hisco* gave the boys an interesting talk on conditions turn tickets as he found them on hii trip. Among ihose who attended Yltil" the program is not entirely worked out, Mr. Spealwere: Bud Muller, R. G. ilisco*, tharles Ward, Bill and Mr. Porter have.suggested_ the following tentative Rampe, Fred Matthai, Ed. Hyman, Milt Conklin, Jerry outline for consideration. On Monday, Februaiy 18th, the Casey, Bob Gehring, Paul Schmidt, and R. A. Hiscoi. +il,ffi:i'ftf"J*:jir'iJf'rflT::::f
.LAREM.NT oocKs oF,,r,R HAno earrlE Ar various business matters to come before the members, and SEA the committees will arrange for various speakers to' be on The steamer claremont, one of the crack ships of the hand. On Friday morning- they will have their final, with Hart_Wood fleet docked at San pedro on October 2hnd,, reports from committees, election of officers' etc', adjourn- t"aty a"*"s.a uy r terrific storm that was encountered ing at noon of this day.
"Mr. po,rter statis tlrat he has had much evidence arready i""#t$,,$if:*f$:.TfilJtf,::iflii"frliJo.Xlit;r.f,3; of much enthusiasm over this coming meeting, and that hL rigging ladly t*isteJ, ;;-;;:;;;;ing handled by a predicts a turnout of over five hundred. .fheir rrrill ,hp a lrnn_ET.nn (-nnno*on_ria- ^- ...--J^-_ make shift steering,devic_e that had.been rigged under-se- Their will be a lroo-Hoo Concatenation on Tuesday vere difficulties. "fi.'iil;T
;,:;"'".Fb" d;p"'.*.", ""r tn!- Ha,tt:w""a -company, an- on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning the-entiie party """/.r'if,.'-{;;;;; will be about gl25,"dpfi]""i'it'#: will be condu,cted on a tour of Los Ange-les and the 6each fnr'nc r'in,{i-- 116 6} ^6^ ^r +r^^ r^-^^ ^:^..._^ ^1,-t:^- r^^ se!frill bddrydocked and repaired at San Pedrp. towns, winding up at one of the large picture studios for an inspection of the movie business. Fuither detail will be forthcorning at a later date.
Lumber Salesmen Club Of San F Have Dinner Dance
The members of the Lumber Salesmen Club of San Francisco, together with their wives, lady" friends and invited guests, assembled at the Clifi House on Thursday evening, October 18, for their annual dinner dancer At thl conclusion of a wonderful dinner, Richard C. Jones, president of the Clu,b, in a beautiful address told tlie sathirine of the purposes and objects of the club and extended i h.egJl welcome to the ladies and invited ,guests to the club's annual dinner dance. Ben Reed, theJather of the c1.u'b, also said a few well chosen remarks. During the dinner, an excellent entertainment was ,provided for by the entertainment committee, and dancing was enjoyed by all