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Bay District Hoo-Hoo Initiate Sixteen Kittens
There was a large turn-out at 'the ,concatenation held by the Bay District lloo-Hoo, on Saturday evening, October 27, at the Commercial Club, San Francisco. An excellent orchestra and several professional entertainers provided the entertainment during the dinner hour. C. D. LeMaster. Snark of the universe was the guest of the evening and made an excellent address ,to the members on the good work being done by the order and also g'ave an account of the work that was done at the annual convention recently held at New Orleans. He thanked Vicegerent Snark Henry Faull and the Bay District Nine for the excellent work they did for Hoo'Hoo in the Bay District during the past year, and he hoped that the new Nine would 'con-
Carl Radcliff Moore-Neighbors Lumber Co.-Oakland. William Ernest Rampe-Hart-Wood Lumber Co.-San William Rampe- umber tinue the good work during the coming year. The initia,tion; of the new members was in charge o'f the Nine and the following Kittens were initiated:
John A. Vaughan-J. C. Snead Lumber Co.-San Franclsco.
The reinstatements were : Harrison McElroy Mu,nger, Bessimer Lumber Co., Detroit, Michigan; Garn6t Wolsley Fraser, Chicago & Alto,n Railway, San Francisco, and Jacob Otho Elmer, J. O. Elmer, San Francisco.
The committee in charge of arrangements for the Conqlt were J. C. McCabe, Sichard G. Hiscox, Bert Neylan, Charlie Rose, and J. E. Martin.
Following the initiation the kittens entertained the old cats with several interesting indoor athletic events. Milton Hendrickson had charge of the athletic stunts, with Rod. Hendrickson presiding at.the piano, furnishing fine musrc.
Gpecity 100 Doon Drlly.
Holland Raymond Hall-Stockton Lum'ber Co.-Stockton.
Merriel Allen Van Slyke-Stockton Lumber Co.-Stockton.
Frank Harold. Krohm-Reynier Lumber Co.-Sa,n Francisco.
Gilbert Ray Bleecker-Eagle Lumber Co.-San Francisco.
Jeroms H. Stutz-Coos Bay Lumber Co.-San Franclsco.
John McVey Montgomery-Silver Falls Lumber Co.St6ckton.
,Andrew H. Asboe-Pacifi,c Lumber Inspection BureauSeattle.
John Edward Tietjen-Hill & Morton-San Francisco. Arthur Sewell McKinney-California & Oregon Lumber Co.-San Francisco.
Floyd Fargo fSawyer-Neightror's Lumber Co.-Oakland.
James A. Maxwell Stapelton-Trower Lumtber Co.San Francisco.
Beniamin Maisler-Maisler Lumber Co.-Fresno.
Frederick William Matthai-Hart-Wood Lumber Co.San Francisco.
High Grade Stock and mixed can ouf rpecialty.
All doon made mrtirc and toon