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C. '\ry'. Pinkerton Reelected President of California Retail Lumbermen's Ass'n.
At the annual meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on October % and, 77, the following officers were elected to serve for the coming year: C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittien President; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lum'ber Company, Fresno, First Vice-President; E. T. Robie, Auburn l.um'ber Co., Auburn; Second Vice-President; and M. A. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, Third Vice-President. l. H. McCallum, of San Franciscq was elected to serve as Treasurer.
Before a large gathering of lumbermen from alf sections of the state, President Pinkerton, called the meeting to order October 26. M. A. Harris, of San Francisco, made an excellent address of welcome telling the dealers the purpose of the meeting and in well expressed terms welcomed the gathering to the second annual meeting of 'the retailer's convention. Responses to Mr. Harris's address were made by C. W. Pinkerton, president of the Association' and A. E. flickling, presideni bi ttre Southern California Retail Lumberm€n's Association.
The first speaker of the morning session was A. T. Denton, of the Portland Cement Association, who gave an interesting discussion on the "Newl Uses For Cement." The -general discussion that followed Mr. Denton's address was lead by F. Dean, Prescott, of the Valley Lumber Co., Fresno.
The next subject for discussion was Advertising, and the first speakerwas Adeline M. Conner, of the Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento, who chose for her subject "A Mere Matter of Words." She referred to the excellent papers and lumber magazines that were available for advertising and also asked her audience if they realized what it meant to them to have their own paper, The California Lumber Merchant, and also payed a very pleasing complipliment to its publisher, Jack Dionne, who she referred to as a "Super-ad Man." She said that the lumber industry, from the tree to the home, offered many beautiful ideas for writing excellent advertisements; and also stressed on the proper selection of words to make advertising copy attractive, the brevity of advertising, and the excellent results that have been obtained by the selection of attractive slogans. This excellent addriss will appear in full in a later issue of the Merchant.
Phil B. Hart, Managing Editor.of the California Lumber Merchant, gave an interesting talk on newspaper advertising. He referred to his experience with newspaper advertising in Los Angles while acting as advertising manager of the Woodhead Lumber Co., the large Southern California retail concern. He spoke of the good results obtained through the proper use of snappy slogans and trade marks. He advised the dealers to be careful in picking their advertising medium, and suggested that the popularity of the publication should always be given due consideration. To send this latter point home, he quoted that superman manufaoturer, Andy Gump, who says, "Advertising in a bad paper is like a man who stutters trying to recite Gunga Din."
Frank Gibbs, of the Gibbs Lum'ber Company, Anaheim, spoke on "Community Co-operation in Advertising." He mentioned the work carried on by the California Fruit Grower's Association, which he said was the largest example of co-operative advertising carried on in the United States. He theq spoke on the co.operative advertising, carried on by the retail lurnber dealers of Anaheim, at the Anaheim Orange Show, and the full .sheet lumber advertising carried on by the dealers in the Anaheim newspapers. He also gave some interesting information on local community advertising carried on by the various organizations and city retail dealers in several different sections of the country.
The last subject for discussion in the morning session 'was on Financing rthe Home. B. A. Edwards, Northern California Building and Loan Association, gave some excellent information and ideas on this su,bject in his address, "The Great Over-sight." His talk was followed by a gen(Continued on Page 14.)
We carry in rtock in our San Francirco Yard