1 minute read
PA.crrcH Frn Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lumber Dealer
Fact No. 3
About Our Mill
The lumber manufacturing plant of The Pacific Spruce Corporalion at Toledo, Oregon, for which the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, of PortIand, is the exclusive selling agent, is worth a trip across the continent to
Fact No. 4
About Our YeIIou Fir In An Early Iesue fro-m the drag sa_w in the mill pond, which bucks the long 90 to 16o-footers into lengtha adapted t9 th9 lu_mb-er you sell, or_uae in your factory, to the monorail- system which delivers it t-o the rough d-ry shed, _the dry kilns, the dry lumber shed, the planing millr- the planed lumber shed, and to tf,e rhipping dock, the plant is electrically operated throughout.
After the Iogs ar9 bucked bv the motor driven drag saw in the pond they are hauled to the deck over an elegtric log haul where two electrically driven Allis-Chalmers band raws see, for it expresses the last word in modern saw mill construction. convert them into lumber at the rate of 25O,OOO feet in eight hours. Motor driven live rolls and transfer chains carry it to the edgers and the trimmer, run by powerful motors, or to the electrically driven horizontal reaaw. From these it is transferred to the re-manufacturing plant where two vertical resawE, a pony edger and a pony trimmer, all motor driven, give it the finishing touches in the rough state. From the 1000foot sorting chains it is carried by an electric monorail system to the sheds, the kilns, the dock, or the planing mill. The planing mill ? Yes, that is electrically operated, too, but, as Kipling says, "That is another story.t'