2 minute read
Fun, Facts and Filosophy
Love Of The Beautiful Changed
I CharlesKingsley says: "Never lose an opportunity of We wandered through the golden haze I seeing anything beautiful. Welcome it in every fair face, One afternoon so long ago, I :".5y fair sky, every fair flower,._and thank Him for it who Thru meadows lush, by placid streams, t. the fountain of all lovliness." O'er trails that none seemed to know.
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IThe old story of the New York bank that wired to a For children played bineath the shade, distant town for a de^scription of a man who wanted a And happy HOMIES were nestling there. $i3il"ixJ:1r,!'o";i::;],fq'5,61;x','0,ff'l"ul;5,:*:
rt. conner crilption, is well seconded by the one of the woman who presented a check at the teller's window, and was asked rather curtly if she had anyone to identify her.
"I don't need any identification," she snapped back. "I'm The two principal things that are keeping most folks the 'red-headed hen' next door to you whose 'imps ,of boys' broke nowadays is woman's love for dry goods, and man's are always running across your lawn. When you staried love for wet goods." ' for town this morning your wife said to you: 'Now Henry, if you want anything to eat for dinner this evening you'll
An Optical Delusion
have to leave me som€ money, because I can't run this Love doesn't really make.the-world -go.r-oun{. It jus-t house on Christian Science., ilow do you know me?,, makes the average man so dizzy he thinlis it's rgoing round. "flere, madam, is your money," said the teller faintly.
I care not what his creed may be
Nor what his cast or cla,n, He still shall ,be a friend to me
If he shall play the man. No barrier or creed shall fling
It's prejudice before,
The honest man who comes to bring His friendship to my door.
If he be gentle, .brave and true, And stand with head erect, This much he is entitled toMy friendship and respect. And if he be ill-mannered here. Selfish, and speak the lie, I shall not hold his conscience clear Because he prays as I. I shall .not bother with the shame
Of any sinful deed, Or seek to gloss a tarnished name, With luster of a creed.
I shall not ask his form of prayer
Nor what this church mav be. The good man, kind and ju-st and fair, Shall find a friend in me.
-Edgar A. Guest.
An Oklahoma Indian who made a million in oil, bought a big tourning car one day, and walked into the auto dealers next morning, badly bunged up. When asked what had happened he replied:
"Drove out big car. Bought gallon moonshine. Took much drinks. Took drive. Trees and fences go by heap fast. Pretty soon see bridge coming d'dvrrn road fast. Turned out to let bridge go by. Bang. Car gone. Gimme nother."
She Lied
I asked her if she rolled them, She said she'd never tried, Just then a mouse ran swiftly by And then I knew she lied.
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Tdqhorc Kcrrny 4ll
Old Mother Hubbard she went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a banana, When she got there, she couldn't find any sponge ,cake. So the dog had to eat cheese.