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CurtisWilliams Honored at Hoo-Hoo Meeting
Thursday, October 18th marked one of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club, since its inception.
About sixty of the faithful, with several guests,, gathered on this day, with Mr. C. S. Estes of the J. O. Means Company acting as the chairman.
Mr. Estes had arranged the meeting to be in honor and a compliment to Mr. Curtis Williams, who acted as Vicegera,nt Snark for the Los Angeles District, last year, and who had so ably lead the organization to the high rtank that thi.s district holds in the cduntry.
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. In very fitting terms, Mr. Estes told Mr. Williams of the appreciation, admiration and love that HooHoo, to the last man, felt for him, and that Hoo-Hob realized the obligation that it owed to the man who had done so many good things in his brief term o,f office. He said that it was only fitting that Hoo-Hoo should make its appreciation evident by some material ofiering to Mr. Williams, to be a constant reminder of the feelings of the members'
1f In the name of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo' Mr. Estes /presented Curtis with a very handsome pair gf binoculars, - engravecl in gold with the name otf the order, and carrying thq message of good will from the members.
Curtis was given a "Nine" such as was never heard before. The boys were on their feet and they surely did put some volume into their call, given for the man who deserved everything that he received. Cliff then introduced Mr. Henry Millar, of the Millar Advertising Agency, Los Angeles. Mr. Millar gave the'boys a very interesting talk on "Advertising and Merchandising." He was well received. The Snark disposed of the business of the day.
David Woodhead, reporting for the golf tournament committees, explained what had been done in the way of arrangements, and set the date for this next afiair for Friday, November 2nd. The members decided by vote to hold it at the Wilshire Country Club.
The Club appointed a committee of three to draw a rese lution ofiering the sympathys of the club to Mrs. Ralph Thielan, on the death of her husband. The committee was also instructed to send flowers. A resolution was passed, ofiering co,ndolences to the C. Ganahl Lumber Company, on the loss by fire of their Alameda Street,plant, and offering the cooperation and help of all the mem'bers, in any way that they could assist while the rebuilding was under way.