1 minute read
Says Non-Advertiser Is Dead-Right
"The man who says advertising does not pay thinks he is dead right, and he IS dead-right."
So writes J. H. Peterson, famous retail and wholesale lumber merchant of the state of Ohio, and the city of Toledo. He heads the D. J. Peterson Lum'ber Cornpany, a concern that has done as much as any other one lumtber concern to prove the theory that advertising building material pays.
The above remark is from a letter Mr. Peterson recently sent his trade, which reads, in part, as follotws:
"We advertise up to the limit of our ability and for two reasgns: '
"First: We handle only superior lumber productS, 'The Pick of the Trees,' and we know the public will buy themi if we call attention to them.
"Second: It gives us the volume of business that enables us to sell on a smaller margin of profit.
"We handle advertised products, nationally advertisedproducts such as Irong-Bell lumber, Curtis Interior Millwork, Bruce Oak Flooring Creo-Dipt Shingles, and Cornell-Wood-Board. These are standard high grade products of established quality and known merit. If they were not superior; no amount of advertising could hold for them their position as market leaders.
"You can rely on Peterson stock. You can rely on Peter'i son service, and you will always find Peterson's prices right.
"Give us that next order. We will deserve it."
Very truly yours, The D. J. Peterson Lumber Co.
A. A. Dimmick, {o,rmerly a partner in the well known lum,ber concern of Cutler-Dimmick, announces that he has purchased Mr. Cutler's interest in the corn'pany and will continue the business under the name of the Dim'rnick Lurnber Company. His brothern V. A. Dimmick, will he associated with him. The Dimmick Lumber Company will act as the Northern California sales agents for the Western White Cedar Company, o{ Marshfield, Oregon, an$ have also made connections with other large douglas fir shippers in the Northwest. They will maintain offices it Z4 Cltitornia Street, San Francisco. ;
Mr. H. W. Mcleod, Vice President and'manager of tlie Hammond Lumber Company' at Los Angeles, has left fcir a months' vacation trip. Mr. A. B. Ham,mond will be ftt charge during Mr. Mcleods absence.