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California Hoo-Hoo Pays Tribute to J. H. Baird, Former Supreme Secretary
At the close of the National Hoo-Hoo convention, in New OrleanS, the California delegation consisting of L. D. LeMaster, of Fresno, Snark of the Universe; -Frank Trower and Richard A. Hiscox, of San Francisco, past snarks of the- universe; Parson Simpkin, IIoo.Hoo Chiplain, of Santa Monica and Mrs. R. A. Hiscox, left for Nishville, Tennessee, where on September 14, they paid, a beautiful spirit- ual tribute to the ,memory of the late J. H. Baird, former supreme Hoo-Hoo secretary. A beautiful floral piece, consisting of California pine cones and palm leaves, a replica o.f t!9 flo_ral piece sent to President Harding's funeral by the Hoo-Hoo, was placed on his grave, at Mount Olivei Cemetery. A beautiful memorial service was held at the g'rave, which was opened by Frank Trower, who stated the purpose of the gathering, after which Parson Simpkin offered the prayer. Flrank Trower then said a few words paying a splendid tribute to the memory of Mr. Baird; and the great work that he did for Hoo-Hoo during his' sixteen years as Scrivenoter of the Order. At the conclusion of Mr. Trower's rems.1ft5, he scattered some golden poppy seeds which is the state flower of California, over the grivi. Richard A. Hiscox brought the services to a close wittr a few well chosen remarks an.d scattered over the grave the dust of a cluster o{ roses. While in Nashville, the California delegation were the guests of ihe late Mr. lBaird,s sisters; Mrs. L,uke Russell and Miss Ann Baird, and Mr. Baird's daughter.