2 minute read
OvertheRound Table
Word To The Wise
The following is reprinted from the last bulletin of the U. S. Epperson Underwriting Co.
The mill is at its dirtiest at the end of the week and therefore most susceptible to the start and spread of fire. The mill which lias the DUST BLOWN DOWN and the rubbish removed on Saturday afternoon will 'be less likely to catch fire than that one that is left dirty. It will be easier to stop flames in the clean mill. A thorough cleanup on Saturday afternoon or Sunday is also a good thing because it means the presence of men when the regular crews are absentso'meone to help the watchman give the alarm and to take instant action on a fire outbreak. The three chief ,reasons why mills burn is because they are duqty, greasy and-littered; because no one. acts quickly enough to check the flames at the outburst and because something is wrong with the protective apparatus. WEEK-END CLEAN-UPS, WEEK-END INSPECTIONS OF THE FIRE EQUIPMENT AND THE PRESENCE OF DEP'ENDABLE WATCHMEN WIIL LESSEN THESE SUNDAY FIRES !
Are you dqing your part to avoid them ? Or will YOUR mill go next?
"'We have just received our dopy of yotrr valued paper, issue of Octobtr 15, and as usual find it full of interest from co{ver to dover."
Madera Sugar Pine Co, \^I. F. BAIRD.
In fact, that's the only kind of Redwood wc eell---€xtn 6ne.
We have aa 6ne Red. wood timber as the Lord evcr planted in California, and we manufacture it for you juat as wc would like it madc for ur if we were the buyerr.
San Joaquin Valley Lumbermens Club
_ A large number of the mem,bers od the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermens Clu'b gathered at the Fresno Hotel, on October 6th, for one of the most enthusiastic meetingS that has been held by this organization.
The entire gathering went from the hotel to Pinedale to inspect the new plant of the Sugar Pine Lumber ComPany.
Returning to the Hughes Hotel for luncheon, after which the business meeting was held.
Several distinguished guests were entertained by the club at this meeting and interesting talks were given by: Mr. W. D. Mitchell, of the Valley Bank, C. D. LeMaster, Hoo-Hoo's new leader, and A. B. Wastel, m,anager of the California Retail Lumbermens' Association. Several of the officials of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company attended the meeting as guests of the association.
The next meeting will'be held at Porterville on November 10th. This date and phss was selected in honor to Mr. H. F. Brey, president of the Brey Wright Lumber Company, Prorterville, to celebrate Mr. Breys next birthday, which falls on November 10th.
Import Figures From Los Angeles Harbor
For the six months ending June 30th, 1923, the following a.mounts of lum,ber were received at San Pedro. from foreign points:
Ftom the Atlantic Coast . 2,125',ffi0 f.eei
From Canada .. .25,750.000 feet
From Canada ... 2,080000 lath
From Canada .. 100,000 shingles
From Guatamala 214,081 feet
From Philippine Islands .. . 1,578,000 feet