1 minute read
Qood For One Hundred Years More
DAM STOCK built his home near River Falls,'Wisconsin, in 1905, and hauled the frames from the Andersen Factory which was then located at Hudson, Wisconsin. Today those frames are in excellent condidonandwith reasonable care should last for one hundred years more.
That's the kind of frames to buy-made of clear White Pine that will last as long as the building itself.
Recsons Why Andnsen
1. Immediate delivery-no expensive dclays waiting for special frames.
2. l2l sizes ready for every purpose.
3. Delivered in two comDact bundles olainlv marked for size and easily handled-
4. 7 units instead of 57. No small parts to become lost or broken.
5. No sorting, measuring or reftting. The complete frame nailed up with poclets and pullqys in place in ten minutes.
6, Accuracy gives smooth running windowq yet excludes weather.
Ftannes Are Ptefeneil:
7. Doublc shoulders 6n jlp 6illc, against which the sash and storm windows or scnoenr rclt, make Andersen Frames much warmct and proof against wind and rairu & Better results in ftame, brick ot rtucco buildings.
9. White Pine prcscvcr original eccuracy ".d gives continuous ccrvicc.
10. Made by largesc cxclusivc rtanderd frene manufacturer. Thc trade-matk ir abrolutc protection