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Los Angeles Golfers
This aggressive looking group is of some of the Los Angeles boys who took part in the recent Hoo Hoo Club tournament, at the Rancho Club, Los Angeles'
The one on the extreme left is Handsome Harry Hanson. He is lvith the California Panel & Veneer Company' Harry looked like a golfer, was dressed like one and he talkei like one. Maybe the wind threw him off his game'
The next sorry looking elongated gent is Jeff Tully' He is rvith Bates Smith, in the A' W' Smith Lumbel bo-o"tt". Los Angeles. Jefi got his rvhite duck pants. dirty "" tt" ifiita tee. " Up t6 there he had been shooting a fr"".ft-oi t"appy eigh'ts and nines, but the accident to the pants threw him off, and he !!ew-!P'. -, Then comes a reti golfer, Mr' Paul Hill of Lounsberry & Hairis. Paul's onl/ mistake a! the tournament rvas his somewhat dubious asiociation. He was hauled into a four..*" .""ttining Gus Hoover and Roy Stanton, enough to weaken the morals of any good playe-r'
X.*t to him is Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Company' Frank also played u'ith the team of Stanton-Hoover, but he himself is a man of very strong will and determination' so no evil resulted. --N.*ito Frank, is Wesley Shrimp, of the Cresmer Man"f".i"tl"g -Co., Riverside. - Wes P]afeq..a 6ne game, had the time -oi tt;t life, and says that he will not miss any ot the future tournaments.
Last but not least, the one and only good pictur-e io 91istence of Gus Hoover. And at that he tried to cheat the -." itiitt the kodak, hiding behind smoked glasses'. Gus is really very good looking, in spite of the check sutt'
Tu,o negro buci< privates rvere discussing the relative merits of iheir buglers during the World War' - -i"i pii".ti t "wiy, man, dit bugler of ourn am so gd' when he olavs'Pai Day' hit sounds'xactly lak de Symphony Orihestra piaying'De Rosary."'-
'--i;d Frinate, agisttl nigger, you ain't got no- }us-.ltt a-tall. When our bugler, Snowball Jones, wraPs lrrs llPs roun' dat bugle an' s6unds 'Mess Call" ah looks down at -"h b."t, tid""y.: 'strawberries, behave, you're kickin' de whipped cream outer de plat'e !' " '
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