1 minute read
One of Whittier's Fine Looking Yards
C. W. Pinkerton, besides being a hard working, efficient Association President, is a very successful Lumber Merchant, evidenced by the appearance of the yard that he conducts at Whittier, under the name of the Whittier Lumber Company.
The attractiveness of this plant is primarily its cleanliness and neatness. Every stick in its place, piles neatly covered from the sun, sheds all with dust proof doors, clear through the yard a note of neat housekeeping that would attract anyone, lumberman or otherwise.
The office is a very neat Colonial type building, with
Mr. Pinkerton's private office on the right, and the general offices and reception room on the other side. The bookkeeping rooms are in the rear. The long shed down on the left extends nearly the entire length of the yard, being two-story for about one hundred feet. The front of this building is used for their roofing, sash and door and rvall-board stocks, with moulding racks on the front.
In the rear of the yard they have a planing mill, where they are equipped to turn out almost anything on the ordinary house bill.
"Pink" is proud of his yard, and he has good reason for being. He is distinctly a "Mr. Pep."