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Wendling-Nathan Co.
Position as Retail Lumber Yard Manager or Retail Lumber or Building Material Salesman, excellent record as business getter f& past several years in California. A-1 references, married, hold position now but desire change. Address, Box IJ-l, care California Lumber Merchant.
Yard For Sale
Would you be interested in a paying yard, in a live town, For good reasons, I rvill sell my prosperous business,. at invoiie, total heeded, about $50,000. Cash or terms. Address, Box 1GF, care California Lumber Merchant.
Gus Hoover Moves
A. L. (Gus) floover, representing WendlingNathan and the Pacific Lumber Company, in Southern California, has moved his offices from the Central Building to the new Standard Oil Building, at l0th and Hope Streets.
Woodhead Lumber Company Buys Yard
The Garden City Lumber Company, on Tweedy Blvd., Los Angeles, has been bought by the Woodhead Lumber Company.
New Yard At Baldwin Park
The Community Lumber Company has opened a modern retail yard at Baldwin Park. It is understood that this new establishment is being operated by the San Gabriel Valley Lurnber Company.