1 minute read
Here's An Oak Floorit g Minus Bit Marks
| (It thcrelor costs less to lay because it requires no ) \ scraping and aery little sanding_alt of which means \ ( beautl plus economy in the frnished floor.) )
9cientific machine work in the manufacture of oak floor- ing is imperative if for no other ..j.on iill" t"o justifv-our extraordinary precautions taken in drying o;k'l;;6.;,-'
Our edge-feed machines, are superior to other devices in that they p1o-duce-a finished no"ri"gitiip *iii.f, li ;i;;o;: ;moojh and.free from planer knife-mar'ks. tA;k i;;;, rree Dooklet.J
'Jrlmcricaie Fii;;;"
Actu.ally..gives.you a suqerior flooring stock because in making "America's Finesi" we have so"n"-iii U.v";d ;;;: monly accepted conventional meth6d..- -Fro* selectinq unttormlty rn standing timber to perfect bundline oi ytr.n:.I, noorlng, every step is taken according ti the most aovanced processes.
Your first order.mahes you a berma_ nent custorner Shall wb quote now?
has just arrived at Los Angeles Harbor from our mills in the Islands.
Check up on your nedE. We can make prompt deliveries in carload lots at surprisingly low prices.
lVe are direct importers of all Philippine Hardwoods -for furnihrre and cabinet . work, interior ttim, rarh, '' doors, etc. Shipme"nts are coming forward at frequent intervals.
For 18 Years .CHICKASAW BRAND'' OAK FLOORING has been a standard of Grade{uality-Manuf acture
Manrtractrred By
And Distributed By
If you are not tmiliar with all the manfuses to which ttesebeautiful hardwoods are adapiable, write for a copy of our free booklet "Philippine Hardwoods and Their LJreE." Prices, deliveries and other infor: mation gladly furnished.