2 minute read
Stock Records and Their Advantage To the Yard Manager
From An
A number of concerns do not have stock sheets at all, b.ut after l"yi"g used them for a period of time, we think they are indispensable in keepins a stock for a lumber yard up to what we think it should be.
By checking- up the entire stock every @, gO, or l2O days, enables the manag.er to keep in cloje touch with his stock, and there are occasions rvhen the stock is checked to find there is a discrepancy between the stock sheet and the inventory. I call to mind of a special occasion where- pl there was a shortage of sash, do6rs, shingles and lum- ber. By. refreshing the menror1,, a load of sish and cloors was hauled direct from the depot to the job. and was not charged at time of delivery. Also a loa<l -of 2xg and some shingles, and a load of -2x4 ancl shingles was delivered, and these two loads were finally locatedland charged.
On another occasion a siortage of 153 poit-s ovas shown at,one gf.t-q. yards. Upon inveitigation ii rvas found that a bllt ot I5U posts rvas not charged out.
(Jn another occasion in rvhich- the manager checked his stock of barbed wire and hog and chicken fJnce for his own satisfaction, he found a shoitage of several spools of wire. He recalled to his mind a num"b., of sales, and found that he failed to make a charge of the sale at the time, as he expected to go right in the office and charge it, and some_ thrng else came up, and he FORGOT it.
Another yard manager was checking up his roofins and tound he was short l0 rolls of roofing.- The contracto? was getting-peeved on account.of clelay o"f roofing, th;-Jray ;;; the roofing at the depot, right from the loca'i'freight i."-in,
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Address and took it to the job, and said nothing about the roofing. The discrepancy of the stock sheet aid his check finali-v Iocated the l0 rolls of roofing.
Many other occasions might be citecl, but will pass on to orlr mo_nthly check-up list of lumber only, which-is done at the end of each month, rvhich is entirely separate from the general check-up. This enables the maniger to see often his slow moving and dead stock. For ins-tance, one yard had over 1800 pieces lx4-6 B & B flooring accumu- l^ate{. By continual harnmering lty general office-they were finally c-leaned up. With every oiddr sent to generai office for lunrber, and many times of other stock, icheck-up of these items are sent rvith the order, enabling the general office to become as familiar rvith the stock eacfr vard"carries as the manager himself.
A check-up list at end of each month is a wonderful equal- izer, keep.s dorvn of overstocking, keeps the manager'and general ofifrce r,vell posted on just lvhat stock each yird has, once a rnonth. If ever used once, I venture to siy it rvili not be discontinued.
L. ,J. {eaver, rvho has been Secretary of. the Woodhead I+Tb.l Company for a number, of yejrs, has boughi one of the three yards operated by the company, and r"iill take possession on November lst.
Th-is plant is located at 164A East Florence Avenue, and will be knor,r'n in the future as the'Weaver Lumber bom_ pany.