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The PhilosophY of Mr. PiP
Some live Barber in this town must subscribe to the CAL,IFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT and read all vou has to say about them NEW STYLE SHINGLES in both advertisements an readin matter an beins the style of shingles is most fittin and helpful to his business he has got porverful busy and sold nearly all the wimmen in this L*,n on them new STYLE SHINGLES, accordin to all kinds of specerfications an the wimmen is now shingling their roofs with, straight, an curled, an long an short, an thin an thick SHINGLES an fer my own piece of mind I personally is perticulerly charmed and aint got no objection to these styles for now when you gits too close to a hansom young woman purposely or accidentially in the office or in a car or elevator an a few hairs drops on your coat you don't have to do so much explainin when you gits horne on account of the length of them hairs that you brung with you.
From my own point of view I aint interested in NO NEW STYLES as the same old ways that I is useter is good enufi fer me as I figgers it requires some effort on ty part to sell new idears an I is again takin any exercise in this perticuler. The Carpenters in this town fell strong fer them THIN SHINGLES when they was invented cause they was light an easy to pack uP on the roof an they has also learnt in them RANDOM WIDTHS there is considerable menny wide shingles an by putting ONE NAIL to each an EVERY OTHER TWO SHINGLES they can get the job of shingling done sooner an thc fellow ttrat builds has to put on a NEW ROOF oftener an that makes more business for the Shingle MILLS and LUMBER Yard and CARPENTERS.
New Hoo-Hoo Club In North
Eugene, Ore., Oct. 25.-At a meeting held in Eugene on the evening of October 24th, the Lane County Hoo Hoo Lumbermen's Club was organized. Mr. A. C. Dickson, Vicegerent Snark for the Eugene district, was chairman of the meeting and the following officers were elected: President, George B. McGill; Vice president, Ralph
Martin ; Secretary, Dan Johnston; Treasurer, David Auld ; Directors, Alpheus Buck, Roy Bushong, ArthulMorris, George Stevens, and Morton Tuft.
A great interest is being manifested in this club and attendihg this meeting were lumbermen from all parts of Lane County. It is planned to hold monthly meetings and t-o perfect an organization that will give fhe lunabe-rmen in that section a united voice on matters of large importance and also to handle social functions.