5 minute read
Moore's Internal Fan Kifn
UMBER manufacturers who prefer Internal Fan Kiln, illustrated in the
kilns having Mechanical Circulation will be interested in Moore's accompanying drawings.
For drying certain classes of lum. ber a fast movement of air throuch the stock and a large volume -of alr turnover at low temperaturc is desirable. The fnternal Fan Kiln was -first designed by tbc Forest Products Labolatory,'Madi- son, lVisconsin, as beins the most efficient kiln for thiJ puroose. Credit is therefore due theni for the original design.
The }Ioore Dry. Kiln Co., after con- ductrng experi.ments covering- a pe-rrod _ol _nearly two years, has adapted -the intgrnal fin system to their Natural Draft Kiln s; that it can be used commerciallv foi both flat and edge oiling of-lrun- ber. They now ofrei to-manufacturers who want fast, uniform cir- culation. the simplest and best nechanical circulaiing dry kiln. They have applied for additional patents covering improvements, but make tro charge for. patent rights or engrneerlng serYrce.
Moore Dry Kiln Co. manufactures and assembles the complcte rrraler- ials for these kilns, also fumishcs plans.- ar?d engineering service for rnstallatton and oDeration wrthout additional cost. Mechanics skilled in dry kiln construction are also available for mills who desire r his service.
The circulation i.s rezlersible. The arrows indicate the moainoent of air in one directi,on, but by reztersing the fans, the air moaement is also reaeried.
With .two modern factories devoted exclusively to the manufacture of D-ry Kiln equipment, plus 45 years of success in kiln buildinc and lumber drying, you can safely de- pend on Moore Dry Kiln (io. for the best mechanical eirculatine Kitn in addition to their r-ell-knowi and successful Ve:eer Kiln, Natural Draft Charge Kiln, and Graduated Progressive Kiln.
_ Owing to the longer air traztel tkrough edge-stacked Iumber, the reaersal of circulation ii this-kiln is a vgry d-esirable -feature to secure uniform ilrying throughowt the load.
\&aiibtore ll€atiB
Longitudinal Section Of Moorps
This kiln has rewrsible circulation and recirculates a large ztolume of free air
Hur-id;1t-5,"rm sprays work in line with natural and fan circulation and supply and desired humidity. Moore's roof ventilation with damoer control, combined with fresh air intake for certain classes of dryiig, enabls th€ operator to raise or lower humidities at r.ill. Automatic tlumrdity Control instrummts can be suoplied if desired, TGhpentu.r.FMoore's- heating -system with Multiple Hcader Control iasroe tne krln glv€s heat distribution and control by hand oDeration or automatic heat regulating instruments can be suppliid.
INTERNAL FAN KILN. uniformly through the lumber at low power consurtption. Moore's fnternal Fan Kiln_ produces the essentia.ls for uniform and rapid .drying. It is designe.d -for both flat and eaE"- pitii.g;ii';"-'6; built in sizes to suit indiiidual reouirements- Flexible clrculetioa.-The cirqulatioh can be varied to suit and rcversed to secure uniform. drving. Disk fans are more eificiint-iti" "itrii'i"ii"- ol tans and as they operate against a very low static inside the 'liiin rn-ey_ requtre less power. 'l'hey g-ive a_ volume of free easy air movement which _is distributed uniforml! ihrough tne iunbir-ln--td" ;i-;i;;;-;:;li most direct way.
If you a-re intcrcrtcd in drying Lnv wood producg it -will plaare_you under no obli3ation to have our rGp- rcrentetive cell end rnakc au Jrtimetc oo ihc eize'and typc of tili"
How Lumber Looks

Once cvery four ycan it would bc ratbcr foolirh to report rnythi"c otfir Oen ttc gucty, 'o|l&o Yilt^}. d&tcd?"-rod r'Ho- will thinge bc after nert Tucrday?"
The part weck, and t[c tro or thrcc dayr fo['owing tbit writing, up to Tuerday nisht' Novcnbcr -4tt, have .ol:-ll rcc -EUtv littlc lumlir b-uyiry, and we bclievc tbrt it ir a relult of tlc one rhing onln nemly, thc clec{ioo.
Ortridc of thet faitor.-ihcre war nuch to bc dG.ircd in tte conditionr, at both inar of the rtatc. Lrmbcr doc&t are low, rtill tihe dealcn wcre not bqyiog end wholcnle lirtl raggcd romcwhat, ar a rclulL
-6f courrc thir ramc condition prcvailcd dl ovcr tbc rvcrt ud niddlcwerb a lettcr in tbit fuue fron A- L Pdtcr of Spo&anc, to J. G. Fctfcr et Frcmo, tdb d thc dcpl'acd r[ocb at the country nrdr througb ttrc northrrcrL
Here ir what onc i*horftv hed to ray rcccntln in com' on tte gcnerd outlooL. He irI mln with a thorouih lnowligc of lumbcr condition+ and rpncrelly knowr what he b t lLing about
"The lunbcr burinec ir tcmporarily becetncd in a rca of unccrtaintiet.
Both the producing end conruning 6cldr rccn mtcot to view with tranqui[ity a condition wbich would ondbrtilv cewc grcat conolnn
Thcre ir prac{icelly no nsw burinco lcing pleccd end yet priccl hivc changpd vcry litrle fron uAat thcy rcrc tro wcckr ago.
Butini dfol not rtop on account of price. It-rtoppcd on account of gnvc rncerteintier which dwclopcd in conncction with tbc epproaching clection"
Some fcw buy-err havJgratpcd the opportrnity t9 han' ner dovn pricer and rorne few nilb' not rcoring the rcal rituation hive voluntarily rcduccd pricel in an cfiort to rtimuLate buvirg but thcrc arc thc exceptio and not thc rule.
The bulk of the trenritr which two wcc&r ago wcre hut' ing the narket, heve nortly bcco abrcrbcd and no norc are being put ouL
Shipmentr rince tbe 6rlt of Octobcf have- bccn vcty ratfufactory ar the milh are brny clcaning up ordcn tek-co in Augrut and Septcrrben For that reaton only a rmall pcr."olage of the-eut of '\it montb har gone into rtods end they itill remain broken and in ruch condition that but few concernr will rufier any inconvenience in taking care of ride cut for ano$er thirty dap. In the meantime many are already laying planr for tte dropping of ertra:hiftr and production from now on until the holidaye will continue to decreare.
The actuel conrumption of lumber continucl to go on at a ratirfactory rate.
Thc cotfue counry fimCd to Cola i. nf^+ oDrit3 thd f925 will be i prorpcrc yor I- $.tLilm ir dcctcd prcddcc. A[ rco ltrcGd o lhdAhcedy thcrG hrve baoccu h ttG ocqiqgftldt trying t" ia protcciirn o D6rd Dris 61l_!qr Noyo' b& iott- ft y rc.fr. dd s-e b d E&-q t9 . rcnnbls to gpt-rndcr Gotrr fia cdt g -b n+ -Ft " too r3 thc mrcca to c pmocfy btlbocnt4 -- ty btdddE of N-.drc-6c l.fidry fudorr ra bc doc lt hrnd. Pticcf rrill hrvc tdc rryb tD d thrt urill bc q. h L u umrHc b6i* S'rEdGr -"U -"Jiii& thc nillr ttill bool ldl vcy crdordv. A rcrvivrl of cer nrtcrbl hdro E grA Th. rctril verdr hevc no lrrlc ttocb Thd 6.lrirftrl rc dor;rillmc thu nrlc rp 5c uY dilia3 dorl L cry dc-'r-d thi Gmirg tDtirg a rcrrrny ocrdcd. lle Gnrl enalyrir L Wc rcryrordfir r hcnrfy dc' crcrrcd npply. AII_IiSF Fid to n-ird d-.?dIf nothing rmfcra hrppo to E d lhc pofnq:-1l. provcd ;r*Gt tbc leccr Pril of 6i ypr E irrrtlbra i;thtm"d-" it bcho&c gvcrytdib to L? oot Dd rcocpt thc preed hll fa rLd fr Lt Hcrc erc rom cmprrlrtivc 6|rr!tL*lr h0rr.t'r& Thcv rhw thc c dotu of bbct fa- 6.ut* codilg Octobcr 4S' tr ttGr, aoqoa rll tlo nu wccL-in 1923. In lcrcy-ci hn c' tL bbL Srr I lwcr totd for thil yar. Nc cr
Rord c. Dt sr. P. s. P. w. P.
Cr. N.
U. P.
3u Fruleo Oir Itr-bllrrOrlfl I 6Er dDf6 2316 43
No cr tnA am6 ts7 6at5 r5r
The rhipmcotr ido La A$Cc. hdtdfa |f,. EootL will nn 6 rboot l4s(Xn (XX)-fGGL To rtc dtM oa tLG 29th, the totel vrr 131'7oo,(Xn fGGr of Rcdrood od FL. T[c Wcrt Cout |.uUrncn rAncirlilnhtt.t ld report, rhow a wcdCr cot of fO2 nillo Gat rd .rlc. of 8{i ".iilion. .Thuy rhipped lO2 nillin in tg Pgrio+ T^t member millr of thii lrocietion bevc rnfillod ordcrr fc about 34(X) carr.
The Cdifornia Redwood Areociation rnilh 16p66 e rccPr cut of 8,4(nrfi)O fecb rals of 6,621'(XX) fcct end nbFd 7,475rW.