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One of the deadliest sins of which the business man can be guilgz is lack of punctuality.
ft's a fine thing to be able to say about a man: "He said he would do so'and-so and you may absolutely depend upon him." I have dways said that unreliability was mighty closely akin to dishonesty, and the more unreliable people I meet in this world the more f am convinced of that truth.
And being punctual is being reliable. Also vice versa. The man'who is NOT punctual, who does NOT keep his appointments on time and is slovenly or careless in the keeping of his engagements at the time and place made, steals the other fello'ds time, and therefore is guilty of that undependability which is so closely akin to dishonesty.
A man's thinking may usually be judge:l by H" actions. And the -an who evldences his indifference regarding the rights of others evidently has something wrong with his thinking machinery. Time is money. Who steals the other fellou/s time, steals his money.
Of course, the average late comer doesn't look at it in that way. The chances are he wouldn't deliberately steal anything. But his bad habit brings practicdly the same result as though he WOULD.
Punctuality brings its own reward. It eliminates the necessity for ercuses. He who has learned the lesson of exact punctuality has found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Punctuality is one of the chief characteristics that bring human success, because the fellow who is always on time, or just a little ahead of the appointed hour, is likely to be on hand when the good things of the world are passed around, and gets his share.
The man who breaks an engagement, breaks his word. The man who arrives fifteen minutes after the time appointed, has been guilty of falsehood.
And the man who thinks such things are small matters that don't count, needs his mental brakes adjusted- He's slipping. That's dl.
To be thoroughly and sincerely HONEST, includes being reliable, dependable, and PUNCTUAL.
Every human should take a self-inventory at least once every month. Let's look OURSELVES over TO-DAY and put the measure of PUNCTUALITY on our habits. If they are loose, t*ris is a good time to do some tightening