1 minute read
Rcelty rLould Lrvc cll of Crlifotrir' beruro ?|rf i. rd rcdly of rny perticubr tot!' rLca it Goa to Lb *tirlirl.
Thir 3cnttonea ir r lorl Nobblq prrticofub fa fir bqb fritf,ful, urfeilin3 rcrvico givcn to Aerocirdoll ectiritil G* romc timc.
Hc crmc to Gliforair i! ttIL trlir3 e poeitio titl Xotgon.rlr & Mullcn rt Ocora Per\ ud t r Dr..ttrt rLcr fc fiftcon ycen.
In ltlt hc forncd c,oDtt !t7 ud bour[t d tL. Wlildc Lunbcr Cornprny, vhicL conccra ha Lu ruccofolly lujri to thir tinq end for ronc timc to eou. D donbU
'Pinh'r nrin chin to f,rnc ir tlo inneur .-o-i of rott thrt hc her donc in thc old SoutLotr C.Iifadr Rctril Dd'r/r Arocirtio4 rnd thc StrtG A..oci.tiou Hr tnr b.c dtc credit for bcin3 thc nu rho or3inccrcd ud put ecroc tb anal3lnrtion of thc tvo Lodicr. Bofolc rlc ioidrf of tL. two urocirtionr hc rer Proridoot of tLo Southcl |Crlifcdr group, trt<ing thrt porition i! Itl?. SiDG. l!f2 h. Lrd bi! on thc Borrd of Dircctorr, end thco vLco tLc rnelurtior ru cficctcd hc ru mrdc Prcridcnt of tbo Stetr body ud t t bccn in thet hfuh off,co for tto lzatr.
C. W. Pinkcrton Lu tlousa& of fti.ld+ ir r Roarrir* er Odd Fcllov end r loyd Hoo Hoo.
Hc vill bc rcsn in rction rt thc Aanrrl C.olveldor of ttrr Strtc Arocirtion, rt Lor An3olcr oa Novlbe ttl .ri ttl.