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Hoo Hoo Banquet and Concat at San Diego October 25
One of the best banquets and concats of the year was put on by San Diego IIoo-Hoo at the Maryland llotel on Saturday evening, October 25th, 1924, a party that will be long remembered by the 54 members *'ho rvere present at the affair.
Joseph Restine, San Diego's newly elected Snark. presided at the banquet table. During the banquet hour ser'eral snappy musical numbers and songs were rendered br' the well known San Diego Harmony Hounds quartet.
Snark Joe announced the winners of the Golf Tournament, viz:
Frank Parks, Manager La Mesa Lumber Co., was awarded the Silver Cup held during the past year by Herbert Sullivan, Frank being rvinner of the first lon' net.
Harry C. McGahey, Sales l\{anager for the San Diego I-umber Company, winner of the second low net, rvas presented with 6 golf balls.
Herbert Sullivan, I\{anager of the Western Lumber Company, rvinner of the first lorv gross, was presented rvith 8 golf balls.
Earl I\fcCormick, I\fanager of the ]'[cCormick Brothers Lumber Company, rvinner of the second lorv gross, was presented rvith 4 golf balls.
In presenting the silver cup trophv to Brother Parks b,v Herbert Sullivan, Herb stated that he parted with the cup reluctantly, because IWrs. Sullivan had already purchased a silver set to match it, feeling that Herb rvould have no difficulty in demonstrating his golf championship for many years to come.
In his words of acceptance, Brother Parks stated that it was a source of gratification to him to lx)ssess this cup for. the coming year, because a lot of the boys out his way did not considli trim much of a golf player, and this would relieve the situation very much. He further stated that the reason McGahey rvas not able to claim the cuP was because he rvas afraid of being called upon for a speech of acceptance.
Mr. E. L. Bullen, President of the Homeland Building Company, National City, Calif., gave a splendid address on Fraternalism, which was warmly received.
In part, he said:
"At a meeting recently of the Nine for the purpose of arranging this occasion I suggested that just at this time, immediaiely following this dinner, would be a splendid opportunity for us to hear from some of our brothers rvith very short talks on business subjects.
"It seems that I am the victim to start the log rolling.
"If I were to assign myself a subject and had the opportunity to prepare an address for you I would want to speak on some phase of fraternalism and I will, therefore, suggest a thought or so for your consideration.
"Almost every day some truly u'onderful material development is forcibly called to our attention. The last rvas a visit from the aircraft "Shenandoah." This is the age of materialism and of success. We have a fairly accurate history of the world for four thousand Yefrs, and yet there are m-en within the sound of my voice who can personally remember when ninety-five per cent of our present comforts, conveniences, and pleasures were not even seriously
(Continued on Page 67.)