2 minute read
California Panel & Veneer Company Open Beautiful New Offices
Howell Baker, President and General Manager of the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, is justifably proud of the beautiful new office and warehouse building that his company has just completed, and which they are now occupying.
The new building adjoins the site that the company has occupied for a number of years, and is on ground that they pulchased some time ago, in anticipation of this expansion.
The offices are lovely. Iust inside of the main front door is the large general o6ce, occupied by the bookkeep- ing and billing department. This is a room about 25x40. panelled in Bataan Mahogany, of very unusual grain, and the long counter across the room is made of highly polished quartered oak.
seen in grain matching, and, with the very high finish that has been applied, produces a wonderfully effective result. The furniture of the room is all of walnut. The panels in this room were made by the Algoma Panel Company, of Algorna, Wisconsin.
Mr. George R. Stratemeyer's office is next to Mr. Bakers, ancl is finished entirely in Tabasco Mahogany. It is truly a r'vonderful job, as is Mr. Harry V. Hansot's private <lomain, trimrned in Quartered Oak.
The main part of the building is two-story, the top floor being used for a rest room for the womeir employes, with lockers. etc.
r\djoining this is a long room, as yet unfurnished, and to bg used, according to Mr. Baker, for future expansion.
From this room, a long hallway, finished in white, leads to the three private offices of the officers of the company. Mr. Baker's office is at the extreme end and is surely a tribute to hardwood. The walls are panelled four feet high in American Black Walnut, the entire panels on each wall being specially matched and put together at an eastern factory, all in one piece. This gives an effect seldom
This room is 25x55 in size.
The new warehouse is built on a piece of ground lying on an angle, being about 50 feet across at the rear,-and fu feet in front. The building is 120 feet long, and has been joined with the original warehouse, with two large doors.
They carry a tremerrdous stock. Panels of every known wood that has been used for panel construction, and in practically all thicknesses that are commonly used.
To give an idea of the long list of woods that their catalogue carries, in panels alone, they handle; Elm, Oak, Walnut, Birch, Tabasco Mahogany, Red Gum, Bataan Mahogany, Duali, Lamao, Port Orford Cedar and Oregon Pine.
These stocks are carried in various thicknesses, 3-16, L-4, 3-7, 3-8, 5-7, l3-lGinch etc.
Mr. Baker states that it is necessary to maintain these stocks to the maximum, in order to retaih their reputation of being the largest panel supply house in Southern California, and that he is very proud of the extra fine service the company gives to the trade.
Mr. Howell Baker is President and General Manager of the company. George R. Stratemeyer is Vice President, and Mr. Harry V. Ilanson is Secretary and Treasurer.