1 minute read
BuYYoar st99k fls uouneed itF
No need for you to speculate or take material you cannot use to advantage simply to obtain a price.
(Jse our service. We carry a large stock of lumber on our docks at San Pedro, and our feet of 9 lumber steamers is maintained to keep this stock up.
We specialize in old growth, yellow fir and spruce. You will find our "Clears" are exceptionally good, by reason of the splendid timber from which we cut.
Sole California Agentr llZl Pec. Mutual Bldgo Gerco Bldg, Lor Angcler Portland ltrEtto. X2ll
Care Shingle & Lum,ber Co.
California Cargo Agentr Pacific Spruce Corp.
"Claremont" "Solano" "Ifartwood"
"Willapa""San Diego"
"Point Lomat' "Robert Johnson"
Who Wants Charlie Monday?
Here you are, a crack sales manag,i:r ahd excellent lumberman on the auction block.
C. B. "Charlie" Monday is Sales Manager for Lock, Moore, & Company, of Westlake, La., a suburb of Lake Charles. He has held that position for many years with much credit to himself, and satisfaction to his employers. Previous to that time has was for fourteen years a partner in a retail lumber business at Marlin, Texas. He knows the southwestern lumber business and the southrvestern trade as well as anv other man.
By January first Lock, Moore will be cut out, and Charlie will be out of a position. He wants to get in touch with someone who needs his sort of a man in the southwestern territory, preferably someone who lvould like to have him right where he is. He wants to cover Texas and Southern Louisiana from his present locatioh and feels that he could do so very satisfactorily.
Charlie is O. K. from every viewpoint, and will make a splendid head for someone's southwestern sales force. Reference, Gulf Coast Lumberman, Ifouston, Texas.
Who wants him?
Homer Derr Returns From Northwest Trip
IIomer Derr, of the J. M. Derr Lumber Co., of Elk Grove, has returned from a motor trip through the Northwest. He went as far north as Vancouver, B. C., and on his return attended the Annual Round-Up at Pendleton, C)regon.