3 minute read
\ilhitney Company Have New Offices in San Francisco
The Whitney Company, Garibaldi, Oregon, have opened offices in the Balfour Building, San Francisco.
The California offices will be in charge of Mr. B. W. Shipley, until recently sales manaler for the comPany, and he will handle their entire California operations fiom this location.
Mr. W. M. McKinlay, of the Whitney Compann whcn commenting on this move, said:
"Following our decision to have our own direct mill representative in California, and realiziag the imlnrtaace of the market, we decided to send Mr. B. W. Shipley' at that time our sales manager, and who has been with us since the inception of the operation, to San Francisco to represent the mill direct. Accordingly, he went to San Francisco on August l5th and is now located in the Balfour Building. He will handle the sales for this company in California as a direct mill representative, and hercafter wc will not have any other representative in the state, excqrt our own direct connections.
"Mr. Shipley is thoroughly familiar with California conditions and also, which is very important, he has a detailed working knowledge, acquired from actual mill contact and experience, with all our products and, therefore, knows just rvhat we can and can not do."
Wheeler Osgood Opens New York Offices
In the interest of wider distribution and service. the Wheeler, Osgood Company, Tacoma, manufacturers of Laminex and Woco Doors, announce the opening of a sales office in New York City. It will be loiated -at lumber headquarters, _Grand Central Terminal, under the manage- ment of W. S. Nurenburg, who so long has represented 'Wheeler, Osgood at Chicago. It is anhounced-that the Chicago office will be discontinued.

At the new Grand Central Terminal office, Wheeler, Osgood will maintain a complete display of their nationally known Laminex doors in both the flit and vertical grain finish. _ fn fact, the samples will be extremely novel irithat one side will be flat grain and the other side-vertical.
It has been less than a year ago that the national merchandising and advertising campaign was launched on Laminex doors. fts success in thaf short period of time has been truly remarkable. Today Laminei doors are being distribu!"4 by Leading jobbers in practically every market of the United States and Canada. One of the big features has been the water soaking test of Laminex doors. This was originally made by Prof. Bror L. Grondal at the forest _products laboratory, University of Washington. All over the.country it has been repeated this year by jobbers and retailers to convince themselves and iheir custome.s that this door had the virtues which were claimed for it. There is yet to be an instance where a Laminex door warped or separated uhder such a test.
. Whe-eler. Osgood Company distribute exclusively through the jobbers and in addition to their New york sales office, maintain-a.southern headquarters at Memphis in charge of L. J. Phillips, a Los Angeles branch, operited
by Robert Osgood, L. J. Woodson and Osgood.
San Francisco office, in charge of Spokane office in charge of Harry a a
Boykin Lumber Co. to Represent Chas.
R. McCormick & Co. in Texas
Annduncemeht has been made that the Boykin Lumber Company of Houston, Texas, will act as the exclusive sales agents for Chas R. McCormick & Co. in the Texas territory. The Boykin Lumber Company is one of the oldest lumber concerns in the South, being manufacturers and wholesalers of Yellow Pine. They are the exclusive agents for the Gulf Lumber Company with an annual capacity of 200,000,000 feet, the manufacturers of the nationally known "Boykin Stock" Longleaf Yellow Pine. The officials of the Boykin Lumber Company are; S. H. Fullerton, President; L. J. Boykin, Vice-President and General l\{anager; L. Wr Bohnell, Treasurer; and J. G. Thorp, Secretary. Jack Griffith, with the assistance 6i ;. O. Hu!gins, handle the sales of this large concern.
Jack Griffith, sales manager of the Boykin Lumber Company, lvas a recent visitor at the Pacific Coast offices of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. at San Francisco and Portland-. when arrangements were made to act as the agents for Douglas Fir in Texas for this large Pacific Coast lumber concern. Chas R. McCormick & eo. operate two large Fir mills ahd Creosoting Plant at St. Helens, Oregon, and also maintain one of the largest buying offices in the Northwest at Portland, Oregon. The Boyliin Lumber Company will handle both cargo ahd rail shipments of Douglai Fir into Texas.
We Specialize on Grayr Harbor Old Growth Soft Yellow Fir