3 minute read
Thc highat grade alloy rteel rrrcd h Mor&nd Trudrr and Burcr innrcr ligbt rcirtn rff,oodt for
Bullt in tLe Weet for the rcverc condirionr cocoutcrcd ir &c Wc.t by 6G
Truckr-7 modeb
Light high epeed nodelr
To heavy duty truckr.
Burcl-S Eodcb.
High ryccd loog diltrnc ttF.
To dooblcdcct fcct-o ba.i
Let the Moreland Tranrport Deparhent rmlre 1 rrrecy of yu tranrporhGo eroUcor.
Moreland Motor Truck Company
fectoricr at Bubank, Cefff.
Sen Francirco, Lor Angcler, Oakhnd, Srcramclto, Stoclton, Frorno, Betrcrr6cld, Sen Dicgo, Stlt ll|rc Cityt Portland, SpoLene, Srntr Anr, El Crotro.

(Continued from Page 25) tilators in the front of thc. house but these can be hiddn by shrubbery so they can never be seen. Care should also be taken to see that the ground undern<ath the house is thoroughly dry and so graded that moisture from the outside will never come back under the building. In the second place, the prcsent method of using green or half dry sub-floors should be entirely abandoned. If the cost of the house will not permit the use of thicker flooring and s/e inch is to be used, certainly the small additional cost of using a cheap T & G dry sub-floor should be faced. In the north shiplap is used as a cheap substitute for a T & G sub-floor, but therc is no other place in the United States probably where sub-floors, which are neither shiplapped or groov<d, are used except in this district,
The use of conrmon paper under Hardwood floor-such as Urban felt and like grades-noes not do auy good. In fact it probably absorbs and holds the moisture more than if it wrre not there. A higher grade glazed paper with the cracks cemented is useful and is recommended as it will go a long ways towards kceping the moisture from the floor.
When an Oak floor is properly laid and thoroughly protected it will last as long as the house itself and remains the beautiful, serviceable foundation of the room as long as there are feet to walk upon it, and its mellowncss and beauty increases with age. Its artistic qualities by no means present all of its advantages as the housekeeper's labor in keeping the floor clean is gr(btly reduced as compared with the carpet covered soft wood floor. The Oak floor prescnts no crevices to accumulate dust and dirt, and requires a minimum amount of attention, just a little freshening up at intervals and the floor is bright and cheery at all times. It is unwise to use the cheapest Oak floor to be'secured and the contractor and owner who select the very best grade of Oak floors he can aftord shows the greatest wisdorn-
"You will please send the'California Lumber Merchant' to our nerv yard at Hollister as we feel that it rs the one paper that all our employees should read as it deals with the California situation more completely than any other trade magazine."

Plan Books and Horses
A farmer (call him Silas) owned a steed of pedigree, Which to pull a trvo-horse load was fully able;
But the animal lvas worthless and the reason seemed to be That friend Silas always kept him in the stable;
It had cost a bale of kopecs just to buy that noble steed, And rve'll admit he was a skookum hoss;
But all he did was stand around and eat exPensive feed, And Silas wrote him oft a total loss.
A retail lumber merchant bought a very handsorne book, Which shou'ed the proper kind of homes to build;
It told their full dimensions and it pictured how they look, And with lots of snappy data it was filled.
But the dealer hid it on a shelf where none but he could see, And proceeded to forget it with a will,
He quite forgot the fact that if he'd sell and get a fee, He must begin to hustle for the bill.
The dealer heard of Silas and he thought it rvas a joke, That the farmer kept the horse shut in a shed, "No wonder" said the dealer "That a farmer's always broke.
Ife doesn't seem to know he has a head."
And one day Silas heard about the book upon the shelf, "By gum" said he "How like a fool I'd feelIf I should do a silly thing like that all by myself ! That's not the kind of man with whom I'd deal."
Of course I knorv that you and I are men of common sense' Who rvould never do such silly things as that.
I knorv that rve can hold ourselves as far from being dense, And as having quite a dome beneath our hats. But somehow I start wondering if there's a tiny chance, That what has here been said about these two, Is but a fable that is serving to enhance, What other folks can say of me and you !
Once Is Not Enough
Any house can serve any customer onoc. BUT
1900 East 15th St. Loo Angeles
Determination to aerve well, aDd tbc ability to do go, trhrough PRACTICAL DGERIENCE, enablee US to offer 5rou that intelligent handling of your ordera which has convinced cuatomers to rely on