1 minute read



Thcre are no redrictionr on the arnount of burinc$ you are able to ettract by meanr of ldear, Servicc and Phnr.

It ir better burinear to rcIl tte idear and materiak for one little modem Home than to take your chancer on out-figuring other dealerr on a dozen bilh.

A practical Plan Book Scnice and a detennined Lumber Merchant will create activity itt "rny dormant commrmity.

Evcry time you lee a new ehiny Automobil+put on your determined look, grab one of your plan booke and go right out and cell aomeone a building idea.

You can attract Home Buildere and sell them tte matcriab necersarlr to con:truct t'he Home they releC from your Plan Service. Contracton have been doing it for ycarr, with no perrnanent investment or location. So that'e thet.

The vcry bert burine* ttat you can get is that which you go after and rell before competition prerents itrelf.

Yer-it mean! more efiortr-more advertiring and more conrtructive thinking to rell building idear than Iumber. But, Modern Merchandiring refectr more profitr, a lot of ratirfaction, maker curtomerr and eliminatcr grief and red ink.

Dontt say you can't conduc{ a modert merchandir ing bruinelr in your torvn; itr being done all ovcr California and will be madc a reelity in your town by tomeonc.

Don't get dircouraged and curr conditionr jurt because curtonerr are not coming to you" Iutead vbualize tteir needr and go to ttem wirrh a proporition. You will be curprbed et the number of proopectr ttat are waiting for romeone to tell them what to do and how.

There fu no other comrnodity h thi, world on which tbe public are more hrmgry for practical advirc and help than in buitding.

Jurt watch how an inrurance rolicitor, an automobile raleman and a ncwlpap€r reportd workr, and you will quit waiting for cuetomerr to comc to you.

Every new rnodem, attractive, convqrient h,pme built in your trade territory ir e rtanding advertirement for t[e dealer who rupplier the planr, and cach ratir. fied home owner ie a boorter for more and better homcr.

It ir up to you to encourage the building of homee up to a rtandard, not down to a price, and to ree ttat Homer are built the modern way through tte ure of detailed planr.

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