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North Coast WeeklY Letter


Question: "Where a shipment is reported ofi-grade anil official inspection is made some time after lumber is unloaded, inspector's report sustaining dealer's contention, is the dealer justified in taking discount when making remittance long after the discount period has elapsed-that is, the period allowed according to invoice date?"

Answer: The discount period, in a case of this kind, shoulcl date from the receipt of the official inspection report and settlement made within the discount period on the basis of the inspection report should be entitled to the tusual cash discount.

Question: "What percentage of Hemlock, if any, is a mill allowed to ship on orders calling for No- I Common Fir, 2x4 to 2xl2?"

Answer: West Coast "Rail 2" Grading Rules permit any amount of Hemlock in 4-inch and 6-inch widths.

Domestic Seven List (page 4) states: "The Seller. at his option, may include in his ship-ments, up to.l5 per cent of Hemlock in sizes tx2 to 2x12, rnclusive, in common srades, and elsewhere es provided for in this list, to be iraded and priced under thE same rules and prices as apply io Douglas'Fir, the grade and quality of Hemlock to be shown on the certificate of inspection."

The nerv rules on Fir Yard lumber adopted June 27th 1924, state "IJnless specified, in ZxZ to 2x6 inclusive, Doug- las Fir and West Coast Hemlock may be interchangeable'"

Note-This question comes uP so often it would seem very important ihat a clear understanding a-sl9 the amount of ilemiock to be included in shipments of Fir Dimension be thoroughly understood and agreed on at the time order is placed.

Question: "A manufacturer u'ith whom we have a friendly iontroversy refuses to submit the case to arbitration- by tire National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, preferring to have the case handled by three lumbermen unofficiafy, to which we cannot agre-e' Can you. grve us rom. sugg.stions for settlement of this case without the necessity -of resorting to litigation ?"

Ansrver: If the manufacturer is a member of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association the case could be handled by the Joint Arbitration Board of that association and the Nationil-American. This Board consists of three members of the West Coast Association and three members of the National-American association. This Board is arbitrating controversies betrveen manufacturers and wholesalerJright along and with excellent results.

In British Coiirmbia the manufacturers' association and the wholesalers' association now have a joint Arbitration Board to handle disputes between members o{ their resPective associations. This is just another indication of the growth and progress of arbiiration methods of settling disfiutes betwein lumbermen quickly and equitably.

Roy A. DaileY, Manager North Coast District

Peculiar Building Notions

fve been selling lurnber, for really quite a number Of years, and I am often made to wonder whv ,tis true. That when men consider building, and to their plans'are yielding,

They will get the kind of notions that they do.

A man's particular.as the d-l that the foundation,s true and le'r'el.

And re-inforced with heavy twisted steel, And as the wall he raises,-he will be as hot as blazes. If he thinks he doesn't get a perfect deal.

He pays most strict attention, to each stick of his dirnension,

From the foundation to the plate line, you rnay bet, As he rn'atches the veneering, to him it,i so endearing, IIe sees that every brick iJrightly set.

The.grade of finish and of flooring, he would not think of IOWeflng, His Mill Work, it must be the best in reach. It is re-ally his intention, to have a ,,perfect mansion,,' Beautiful beyond all human speech. -

And now the part so funnv, when you think of all the money

H_e is spending to make his dreams come true, When he comes to think of roofing, (rvhicir shoulcl be water-proofing) He seems to thinlimost anything will do.

Now if this- poor felloli, don't listen to his dealer, The man who knows the kind of roof he needs; He's liable t9 get.a soaking, and/ I don't -..., i'.- joking, ll he takes the advertisement as it reads.

Now_!191_d, you want protection, then use an EIGHTEEN INCH PERFECTION.

And put them on with rust-proof coated nails, And when the storm is blowin, you will have real peace in knowing, That a roof is -o'er your head, that hever fails.

-Albert S. Spillman.


R. A. Hiscox, who recently returned from an extended trip in east, says that he spent several days with Tom Parks, who is now one of the prosperous merchants of the Metropolitan District with offices at ll0 West 34th Street, New York City. He stated that Tom wanted to be remembered to all his lumbermen friends in California and extends to them an invitation to be sure and call on him whenever they happen to be in New york Citv. Be_ fore his departure for New York, Mr. parks *", ,..ociated with Chas. R. McCormick & Co. in San Francisco, lvhere he was well known and very popular among the Iumber fraternitv.

Ralph Duncan Returns From Successful Hunting Trip

Ralph Duncan, manager of the Merced Lumber Companv, has returned from a hunting trip in the yosemite. Ralph reports that their party had- a rvonderful time and that there was lots of good hunting but a scarcity of deer this year.

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