3 minute read
The Growth of the Automobile and Truck Manufacturing Industry in California
By Watt L. Moreland
\\'c. t,I L'a]iii,rnia oiti'rr i;ril t() ili)- lrt'tcirtl,' 1lt, ttttl,r111)t r'i lll;tlltli:t( 1111'i11{ that i. c:Lrlierl c,tt itt ,,rtr -tlttt' itl tlle varit,rts litrt's t,f lrtt.itlt'... 'l-alie i"r iustlurct'. tltc 111()t{)r i t'lriclc ittrltr.tt'r u'itlt u'ltich I havt' lrt't'tt t', itl1)('ctc(l ilr nr:rll\- \'('iIrs. \\-hilc u t' lit':LL :r s-rcllt rlcai alrortt s()1lt('(,i tllc l:Llgt cit:t('rll c()ll('('l'll: lrecaLt.t' tllt'r' .1't'tlil i( )rt11ll( :
('\'('r\' \'eiIf itt tllLti,,lt;rl :L'lr c'rti.irtg. rr.t' ri,, ri,,i rcalize 1lr:Lt tllt' 1:Llgt'.t 1t-Ltcli ttt:ttrtti:tcttrrcl' \\'t:1 ,i ( lric:rq, r i: l.i'ltterl in iiorrtitt't-rr ( :Llii,,rrri:t
Sonrr tottrillq citl's atrc rr:rnnilrctLit't'r1 ir llri: :1:ttc. rL Ittrtch :1llit11('r :clLlt' tharl tlrt -t1-\ ln()lIr tt-u('li lllallllli:tctilrill! has tnatlc c()lt:i(i('ritl)l\' 1ll()r('
Irr Sotttht't'tr (:Lliit,rrtia \\'(' lill\ ( of tl-rc ia:tt,st gron'irg 1,,t' coLlntr\'. Iil st:trti1lg 11t\\ erecting lrrril<l'irrgs attrl citics. thc tlttck lrla-r's :Irr
('alii,,r'rri:t, Ittt-titttttt,,t't. lr':tr]- tltt' coulrtr-\' irr the tttttrrlre t ,,i tlrile s ,,i goorl roa<1s lrcr calrit:t,,i lrr,lrttlzLtiotl'
To lruiltl rriatls retlttirc. 1111' 11ig,i trucks. r\ nttmltcr of the tte\\'er scttlctnents ancl faruiing tli:tricts are 11()t provitlecl u'it1-r railroatl connecttot.ts ancl tn:rtrv sttch localities relr'solclrr.rn thc trttck to trallsl)()rt all kirlcls t.rf procluce and tnerchanclise.
'fhe s'ell-knon'n c.ri1 fielrls of Southcrn Calif ornia also reqtrire httnclre<ls i '':, -.,.:i -1,'',,.,. rrt,1 liii;l , iil.i, of tntcli., >. tl.t: tlte eitrtts ittrltt.tt',ru hich ltlt. 1,, tr:trt:i)()t't thc irtrit t. thtslriplrinq c('nttrs.
'l o :llo\r' tllc ilttttlett.t l)l'(,gl-(':: j i'.::: 1-. .i,' ,., J.:;:tj rnlr,lt' l,r tltt' tntck irt,lrrrtlv i11 :'".ttll, r'rr .-;rll:, 'rtti:t. tlt,' i, 'll, 'tt rirg i- lr li'r ,,i tirr ,,tllcilrl rt'gi-trati,,tt: rri :Alc: r'f :(,il](' {,i t}re llt.t kllo\\'ll ('a:tt:ll tllakt. ,,i trtte k. anrl tli, r:(' llllI{lc in L'aliir'rnra L ;rr't',,r,1in{ tr, "-\rtt.ttl,,l'ile I'rrlrlishirlg (', ,." 1 i, ,r thc tlr:t rilaltt lil(,lltli: ,,i l'rl-l r $ t Art lt( )t lll('llti(,tritrg tht ttlakt l'i r rf iiglrt trrrck- ,nlr'. :ttt-11 :ts tlte' li, 'rrl. t'1c.
\l'r'tlurtrl .. l6-t \\-hite l')7 1;. -\1. (' ... 1')o Jlrr, li. ....irr.l \Lit',r':u' ..l(l(r Irtt't'n:t1i,,tt:ti.. ... llll l'lrt g,,r ((l lr,,ir':;t] +l
*1, il't': +l ) ]'ir':'t't \:'i,,"r'. .. . ]1 'l'lr,' \1,,r('l:irr(1. l::r,-q,,1. alr,l Iiitil't'r nrt rti,,nt',1 itt tlri- ,i-t ''', 1-';1lii":rli:r 1rt-,',i1i1'1-. Irr \,,i'llttt'tt l'al:i, l':lilL t.r'. tilc l)(,ll(' l)l'r ,,ltt, i i. largtlr. 1'('ir:'t:tllie(1. ll,,rt , ,i tlrt. rrrrit. ;111r1 qr:Il-t- ( lltcilllg irt1,, tlrt e,)ll:tl'tl('!i(,tt,,i lllt-:t' trtrckrrrt' rrtartttfactttrttl :lt :()lllt' t,f the (-alifornia plants.'I-he Ilorelar-rtl \Iotor 'l'rrrck C,,nt1tan.-, l'hose factories arc locatetl at i',urlr:rrtk. has lleet-r estal'-
(Continued on Page 38)

(Continued from Page 36) liqhed 14 years. .Some of the trucks built by this concern as early as 1911 are still in service on the Pacific Coast.
The Moreland Company has a factory floor space of 165,000 square feet "nd is locatid on 25 acres of land. To establish a'plant at the coast is not as easy as in the east where almost anvthinE can be purchased, finished teidy f6r assembly-. In the develo-pmenl of the Morel-and truck, one difficultv after another had to be mastered -difficulties which have been transformed into advantages; for instance, whg4 it was impossible soon after the wan started to obtain steel castings, alurninu{n and fnalleable iron castings without loqg delays, and yhen shiPm€hts took -months to reach the Pacific Coasi, thq Moreland Company installed its gwn electric furnaces for making such castings. When different upitS pqr$hased di.d not stand uP. undbr thg sevefe western requrrgments' the Morpla,nd Company established its own he4t-treating plaht and started to manufacture transmission gears, shafts and many other units and parts where special strength' and wearing qualities are required.
The Moreland plant includes, among other things, a frame manufacturing departmeht, machine shops, a transmission and clutch department, steam hammer forges, (ool shops, inspection rooms, body shops, etc., etc. Last year the average number of men on the payroll of the company was 54O, more than one-half of whom own their own homes.- The capacity of the present plant is 1,200 trucks Per ani num.
The Moreland Company has some of the most up-to-date machinery and equipment. For instance in the frame departmgnt, the livets are electrically heated. In the carbonizing Plant, where .the stee! is treated to give it'
HETHERINGTON GOES WITH HANIFY .q. l. in.4t H-etherington,' formerly' maSager,lot-* Y deal of 'the wooi is grown in C-ali. fornia. Even the. radiators are built in the radiator department at the planl
This company builds trucks of from I to lGton capacities, and coaches of from l2-passen8er deluxe high speed, six-cylinder buses to d) pa'ssenger heavy-duty six-wheel double-deck buses. The last named is a California creation being the first sixwheel double-deck bus in existence. It was developed at the Moreland plant and it embodies a suPer-Power sixcylinder engrne, six-wheel brakes and four-wheel drive. It is the last word in bus construction which can be ob' tained anywhere in the world.
The Morelaqd Company qlakes it a point to purch3se in California whatL".r t -- 'naterials and parts can' bi .had, which come uP to t'hc requitcfl soecificatiqp, It is F frrm'contictiou that if all the manufacture$ and the pobli" would follov this elramgle .we would not be subiected to periods of unemployment in California.
IOHN W. KOEHL & SON BUILDING ohn ft. Koehl & Son, I-os Angeles manufacturers an{ l"froi.."fitt of sash and door pro--ducts, have'started the construction of a t$'o-story bric[ addition, to their immense
Bettiisin Lumber Coirpany, at Pasadena, -is now con".ciea'itith the J. R. Hinify- Company, at their I-os Angeles offices. factory on Anderson Street, Los Angeles.