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Central California Lumbermen's Club Meet at Stockton
The first meeting of the winter,season of the Central California Lumbermen's Club was held Satrrrday, October 11, qt the Lincoln Hotel, Stockton, President S.'J. Irwin presided at the meeting.
_ _Secretary Lester pttiott read a letter from A. B. Wastell, Manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, regarding the Mechanics' Lien Larv which the General Contractors' Association is endeavoring to have abol- ished. The Club unanimously endorsed thi action of the Directors of the California detail Lumbermen's Association at their recent meeting at Santa Cruz, when a decision was made that the Liin Law should be retained.
William Besseker, manager of the Tilden Lumber & Uill Co., at Oakdale, was admitted to membership in the Club to succeed Len Gilbert who was formerlv the manager of this concern. George H. Pfeuffer, of the Twin Harbors Lumber Co., Oaklind, was also admitted as a new member.
The CIub accepted an invitation from George Brown, in behalf of the Modesto Lumber Dealers, to hold the December meeting at Modesto. In cohnection with this meet11g, M.. Brown stated that they hoped to hold a HooIfoo Concatenation in the evening. The November meeting of the Club will be held at the Lincoln Hotel, Stockton, and lim Farley rvas appointed to arrange for the program of this meeting. The annual election of officers will be held at the November meeting.
At th-e expiration of the business session, Robert Inglis of the San Joaquin Lumber Co., introduced Mr. Artfiur H. Ashley, a prominent attorney of Stockton, who gave an excellent talk on the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Ashley spoke on the Legislature, Executive, and Judi- cial branches of the Constitution and explained in detail the functioning of the Judicial Departmen[ and the powers vested in the Supreme Court.
The following attended the meeting:
S. J. Irwin, frwin Lurnber Co., Escalon.
Lester Elliott, West Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
Jin FarleS Pacific Lurnber Co, Stockton-
O. D. Ruse, Tilden Lumber & Milt Co., Stockton.
H. C. Henry, Booth-Kclly Lumlber Co., Modesto
F. H. McPhearson, Escalon Lumber Co., Escalon.
Chas. P. Christenson, Linden Lurnber Co., I-.indcn.
J. V. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber\Co., Modesto.
Henry Hink, Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco.
George Brown, Modcsto Lumber Co., Modesto.
O. L. Russum, Chas. R. McCormick Lurnber Co., Stockton.
Frank WeIIs, \f,fest Turlock Lumrber & MiU Co, Turlocli
Creorgs H. Pfeufier, Twin Harbors Lumber Co., Oakland.
J. M. Montgomcry, Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton
B. F. Nixon, Nixon Lumber Co., Lockford.
Charles Wood, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland.
Harry F'uller, Fuller Lumber Co., Lodi.
R. B. Fuller, Homc Lumbcr Co., Manteca.
Robert Inglis, San Joaquin Lumbct Co., Stockton.
Louis A. Godard, Hendrickson Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Walter Baker, Hendrickson Lumber Co., Sacramento.
D. A. Fraser, Lodii Lumber Co., Lodi.
O. V. Wilson, Central Lrrnber Co., Stockton
Arthur H. Ashley, Stoclilon.
J. E. Martin, "The California Lumbcr Merchant,,, San Frirncieco.
louisville, Ky, U. S. A.
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