1 minute read
The "Masterbilt" folding ironing board hal more than ma& good. T[is board offcire thc onlv real improvement in ironing boar& sine the-firgt ful-iength high board war put on the market. Notc iire compact littlc pactage.t!9 Masterbilt maLea, fitting into a sPaac l-klg, and rvhen extended has ipcrfecdymooth nurh ironing aurfacc. Thc specirally dcdrgod hinge allows- the pad to be foldcd altay with thc board. Thi automatic locking dcvise rcndcr! the board fool-proof against collaglcdAlt thege features fully protcctcd by patcnb pending. '
The-Masterbilt can be retailcd for the samc price as the old fashioned etanding board. We vant a live pire Scles Manager to hanille the Pacific Coast Stcres.