2 minute read
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ver)' optimistic of the excellent work being done in the Redwood region, and he thought that the Redwood oper= ators would find a market for their thinnings while the forest was growing to maturity. In speaking of cuttihg timber on the National Forests, he stated that the cut-over lands still look like a forest as.special care is always made to leave enough timber standing to insure natural reproduction.
He spoke on the protection of the forests from fire, insects. and diseases and also devoted some time to a more intense ahd economic utilization of our timber resources.
In discussing the progress that has been made in attaining the ends of the Forester, he referred to the recent visit of the U. S. Senate Committee on Forestry to the Pacific Coast rvhich has resulted in the Clark-McNary Bill which lays the foundation for Forestry on the Pacific Coast. He said this bill made money available for fire protection, made money available to the farmers to grow trees on cutover lands, and would also result in a study of the forest taxation problem. Professor Fritz closed his address by telling of the progress that has been made by the U. S. Forest Service and also referred to the conference to be held in Washington, D. C., during the month of November when the matter of Forest Utilization will come up for discussion.
The following were present at the meeting:
H. C. Chapman, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico.
Emanuel Fritz, University of California, Berkeley.
Jack Butler Jr., Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
M. B, Pratt, State Forester, San Francisco.
E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis.
Oscar Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento,
C. A. Minard, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Bill Woods, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco.
J. L. Hall, Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., San Francisco.
Alex Laing, Newcastle Lumber Co., Newcastle.
W. A. Walden, Home Builder's Lumber Co., Gridley.
J. P. Brewer, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Sacramento.
Carl NI. Watts, Higgins Hardwood Co., San Francisco.
Bert Neylan, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., San Francisco.
R. E. Tracy, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
G. R. Bleecker, Eagle Lumber Co., 'San Francisco.
Joe Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
George E. Geary, W. D. Thomas Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Homer Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove.
C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento.
Walter Baker, Hendrickson Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Louis A. Godard, Hendrickson Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Walter Seavy, Midvalley Lumber Co., Galt.
A. J. Millel, Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., San Francisco.
Jas. Tully, General Supply Co., Fairoaks.
W. D, Thomas, Sacramento.
Harold Caughley, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
W. F. Knox, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento.
J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant," San Francisco,
Orange County Lumbermen's Club Holds Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club at the Elks Hall, Anaheim, Oct. 9, was a most enjoyable affair. The attendanie was largel C. W. Pinkerton of Whittier, A. B. Wastell of San Francisco and H. Riddiford of Los Angeles, rvere present. W. S. Spicer of the Barr Lumber Company, Santa Ana, was elected president for the ensuing year. Stanley Clem was elected secretarytreasurer. Five directors were named: Mr. Kelly of Brown & Dauser Company, Fullerton; Mr. Adams bf AdamsBowers Lumber Co., Anaheim; H. A. Lake of the Garden Grove Lumber Company, Garden Grove; Mr. Chapman of the Chapman Lumber Company, Santa Ana, and Mr. Whitson, of the Whitson Lumber Co., Santa Ana.