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Beautiful Folder Released by California White and Su$ar Pine Manufactu rers' Aassociation
A verv attractir-e fottr page folcler. extt'illing the -t.nanr' virtues clf Califort-tia l'irrcs, lras just reacl.re<l thc oflice of this journal. ar.rcl is descrvins of a cot.tsicleral>le anrotttrt of favorablc cotnment.
It 'rvas issuecl by' tlte Clalifornia \\Ihite and Sugar Pine l\{anufacturers' Association, frotn their offrces at San Francisco, ancl \\'as prel)arecl ltr- lIr. E. P. Ivorr', manager, Tracle llxtension Division.
On the front page is a letter, personallv addressed, and reading as follorvs :
N{r. J. C. Dionrre, Los Anseles.
Dear Sir:
Under separete cover. \\'e arc mailing the latest edition of ottr rttles for qracling California Pine lttrnber. These rttlcs t'eltresettt a t'evision of ottr former specifications to confot-m to -'\ltre t'ican Ltltrllre r Starrdards. This .\ssociatiorr is u'holthearterllr- lrehintl tirc standarclization tnolentcnt. atr<l ottr t-tliIl. arc llrcllare d to furnisli r-ztrd lttmltcr cithcr irr starl<lartl ()r ('\t1'astanrl:rr<l sizcs. No ch:rttgcs lt:tve llee tt tlr:ttle irr the clrcsse rl sizcs oI factor-r- ltttttlrt'r u-hich. AS ,\'()11 ktlou', have alu-a,r-s lreen cxtra thick in this rcgi,'tr.
Tl-rese grading rttlcs u't'ltt itlto elTcct ott Septelnller
15. N'[any copies ltavc bcen ilistrilrtrtcrl to rctailers an<l lutnlrcr constlt.ltcrs throttghottt thc L-rritctl States ancl acl<litional copics u'ill lte gladl-v srrpplie<l to anr' of your t-nemlters u'ho tvottltl like to ltave thctlr. \''cr-r' trul). )'otlrs,Iil)\\'-\RD I'. IVOR\-. ][anagcr. Trade E,xtettsion.
The centcr t\\-() pagcs of the folder is a profusion of ilIrrstratitins of tlrc practical ttse s to u-hich California Pines can be pttt. It sltou's a frtltrt tltl,.lrrr'ar', a staircase, complcte bathroonr. kitchen. etc.. and cotltains the follorving information regarrling the 'rvoo<l :
California White and Sugar Pines Preserve the Lines That Impart Colonial CharmEnanreled in u-hite. ivorv or grav, Calif,rrnia \\'hite Pine and California Sugar Pine i>reserr-e the charm of statelv Colonial architecture.
These firre soft l'oocis take enamel an<l paint perfectlr'. The close, er-enlv spaced. delicatell' rlarked grain of these l'oods offers the <lecorator's llrttslt a smooth. satinl'sttrface. light in color. that reqttires lcss cnanrcl ancl paint to obtain tltc trtost lrtstrotts llrrish-lrn cc()ll()lllv lrt,th t,f tnaterials arlcl of lalror t inr c. llccause C';Llii,,rnia ]'ittt's arc rtrlttsuallr- frec ir()lll rcsirtotts:ul):tArlc(': attrl "rai.e<1" grain. tlle u'hite.t of u'lrite e nattte l t't'taitt. it. lrrilliarrcv u'itlt, rttt <liscoloratiotr. attcl u'itltottt cltcckirtg. chiplriltg and 1;eeling ofT. L aliit,r'nia \\-lritc ancl Sugar l)ine perrrrit the clelicatelr- I-norlt'lc<1 c()trtotrr: arttl sharp prohles of Colonial tloors, saslt. tttatttcl.. stainr-ar-s ancl all interior u'otlclrr-ork, becaust' the .c llne-te\ttlred soft u'oocls cttt reaclilv enthcr .u'ith or acr()s> the grain. L-nustralll' free irom u'arlring artrl shrinking. these u-oods "stav pttt." therebv givirrv l)crrnanerrce to the puritl' of line and ornanlent irr the clesign.