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Featured in Our NewPLAN BOOK ALBUM NO. 32
To STIMULATE the DEMAND and ro CREATE the IDEA and t[e DESIRE for MoRE and better HoMEs or wooDEN coNsTRUcTIoN we have had especially prepared a NEW PLAN BOOK album of the LATEST CREATION in MODERN HOMES BUILT ENTIRELY of WOOD, And, JACK DIONNE rayss-
"This ir tte most beautiful plan book of WOODEN HOMES I ever !aw.t'
The elbum containr 25 Photoc and Floor plane of five and rix-room HoMEs, which were moct carefully relected from an exceptionally fme collection of the LATEST and rnort ATTRACTIVE derigns in Englirh, Spanish, Italian, Swirs and colonial architecturat efiectr. The inierio, *r"lg"-errl "-bra"e many of tte newelt idear advanced in the mort modern and most eficient ptanning of rmdl homel.
Thir Album will be very valueble to any progregive lumberrnan who ir intereeted in helping to create tte idea and tihe