4 minute read
Important Philippine Timber Concession Awarded to Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Company
Illustrates Remarkable Timber Resources of Philippine Islands
The _Philippine Government has recently awarded, by public bid, a concession of 109 square miles to Cadwalla- der-Gibson Ltrmber Company, - with headquarters in Manila and offices in San -Frincisco, Oakland, Los Ang.!:.9,. Seattle and with agencies all around the globe.
This item is a reminder of the difierence in-policy betlveen the old time Spanish regime that exploited-the iountry and the American administration that fosters its sys- tematic development at every step.
When lJncle Sam first took the Philippine Islands under his wings, he sent over an army of schoolma'ms, roadbuilders and sanitation experts and he has kept up hls benevolent policy of guarding the interests of the Philippines.
One forceful illustration of this policy is the cJri exercised by the efficient Forestry Department of the Islands. It is headed by an American, who is assisted by a staff of Philippinos.
Concessions ior timber operations are awarded by public bids that take into account the amount of the bid, tire character of the bidder, the amount of monev he is readv to invest in the operatiohs, the manner in which he takes tare of the timberlands for the general good of the country, etc.
The new concession of Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Company, is'on the Island of Luzon, Province of Camarines Sur, about 40 miles south of their present operations, which have been running for the past 15 years.
The new concession averages 15,000 board feet per acre, (in some sections 10,000, in others 25,000), most of which is known as Philippine mahogany, which has proven very desirable for cabinet work, interior trim, panels, doors, etc. other mills, Limay, near enlargement,
Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Company are now installing their first mill on this new tract and expect to have it in operation by the end of the present year.
The new mills of Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Company, located right at the shore, assure for some time to come a steady supply of timber on the same economical basis on which they started operations 15 years ago. This eliminates expensive inland tracks, so costly to maintain, because of the luxurious vegetation.
Mr'. Cadwallader, as pioneer lumberman of the Philippines, installed the firit American band mill in Manila in 1890.
In addition they are operating numerous and an extensive veneer and panel factory at Manila.
This plant is scheduled for immediate necessitated by the demand.
The four tradernarks of the Cadwallader-Gibson I-umber Company-Bataan, Bagac, Orion and Lamac-are literally known around the world; enjoying the true meanin-g a trademark should have-to serve nbt only as a means of brand identification, but also a guarantee of dependability_which its sponsor stands ready to back up to ahe limit.
The Philippine and Chinese markets absoib their lower grade cuttings.
San Diego Lumber ComPanY New Offices Nearly Ready
Al Frost, of the San Diego Lumber ,Company, San Dieso, is working hard to complete the fine new offices that-he is building, by the first of November.
The new building, when finished, will be one of the most attractive lum6er offices in the state. It is of hollow tile construction, finished throughout in Redwood, and most of it in a natural finish, vertical grain stock that makes a ver1r unusual aPpearance. The offices will contain a modein Plan Serviie Department, beside the usual bookkeeping offices, Private offices, etc.
Some interesting history was uncovered when the old office building, built in 1878, was- torn down. Mr. Frost stated that thly discovered files of letters si-xty a-nd sixtyfive years old that provided soqe -prg.fi.1able finds f9r st3m-p collectors. The dobrs in the old building were all of Redwood, and the building was heated throughout with small britk'fireplaces that iere used up to the day they abanddned it.
Eorge Melville And Corinne Orban Married
Mr. George S. Melville, high powered salesman L. Hoover,-Los Angeles, and Miss Corinne M. *e.e mr.tied on October l?th, at Los Angeles, immediately after the wedding for a two weeks moon trip,- by motor, through the northern part state.
for A. Orban, leaving honeyof the
Mr. Melville is well known to all Southern California. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Michael Orbdn, Jr., former owner of the Whittier Lumber Company.
New Yard At Los Angeles
The East Side Lumber Company has opened a yard at 5016 Whittier Boulevard, Los Angeles.
S. L. Gile, who has been connected with the Haywad Lumber & Investment Company, for some time at their Long Beach yard, has been transfered to the newly purchasid Escondido yard, where he will act as manager.
Pabco Paper Conquers Weeds
Weeds in the extensive fields of the James Mills Orchards Corporation at Hamilton City, California,, have beeq conquered by Pabco Mulch Paper, a new development of science and igriculture, according to a letter received from them by the agricultural department of The Paraffine Companies,-Inc., manufacturers of the Pabco Mulch Paper. - -
The material was placed on the orchards several months ago, and it has been- successful in maintaining ideal moisture and soil conditions.
The text of the letter is:
"Tree squares of Pabco Mulch Paper have been used this year on young trees which were replants in our main orthard. They have given excellent results. Scattered replants alwajs repres-ent a considerable problem inasmuch is it is expensive to go over 'a large acrea-ge -of trees simpll' to tike care of the hoeing, et cetera, of a few scattere'd'plants. The squares have-kept down -the- Sfowt! of weeds- and have assisted materially ih maintaining ideal soil and moisture conditions."
The Iames Mills Orchard Corporation owns the largest lemon 6rchard in the world. The tree squares were used in connection with the replacement of young trees, and 1,5O0 squares were used.