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You know the responsibility of the Weaver Roof Company. You know trhat the name "Weaver" standg for honest, sincere quality. You know that anybody to whom you sell "Weaver" Roofing is going to get full and complete satisfaction.
There ia a great sense of satisfaction selling such roofing. It helps you to build solidly and enlist public confidence.
There is a "Weaver" Roofing for every type of building.
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Weaver Roof Co., Manufacturen
Sylveeter L Weavcr
2436-46 East Eighth St. - BRdwy. 0784
Lor Angeles
Citrus Belt to Have Hoo Hoo District
On Tuesday night, October 21st, the lumbermen of the Parson Simpkin, David Wgqt!r9a{, Eerman L. RoecnOrange Belt'DisTrict, old Hoo Hoo, and a number of pgrg, Frank IVI. Connelly and Phil B. Hart,'all old Hoo those"who have not yet been initiated, met at the Raven- Hoo of T,os Angeles, ,were gues!: at tE: -meeting .19 th.Y croft Inn, San Bernirdino, and completed their plans for each made a short talk to the Citrus Belt men, ldling of the forming of Citrus Belt'Hoo HooDistrict. the benefits of the ordel- They.urged the irtmediatc [or-
The new club will take in Hoo Hoo members from sev- mation of a Hoo Hoo -cl-ub-' and pledged the heart'v sup eral towns in the immediate vicinity .ii;;'"8;;;;;ii"" port of their members, in helping to get it started' and Riverside, they will have their own S""it "rrd om".r", A Committee was appointed to organize the'November and will be recognized as a distinct Hoo-Hoo District, thi l3th meeting' Roy L' Sandefur was made chairuran' tvith same as Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc. H' E' Pineo' A' D' White' H' w' Newton 'and Westey
The meeting on the 21st, was a reisult oi a visit made manager for Chas. R. McCormick into the valley !,y Parson_ Simpkin, abo-ut the first of the Lumber Company, San Berna-rdino, made a _short_talk, tcllmonth. He confirred with a number of men in San Ber- ing at his twinty-iwo year membership in Hoo Hoo. He nardino, found a great amount of interest, and then ar- ioined at San Francisio in 1902, and attended the Conranged with Mr. Roy Sandefur, of the Hayward Tr umber iatenation that was held in the Burbank Hall, in Ias Anloripany, to send otit notices calling the meeting for this geles, in 1903. date. A large number of the Los Angeles Cats will malre the
There has been a splendid representation of the heads trip to San Bernardino on the l3th, to officiate at thc of companies in the valley. Of six yards in San Ber- Concatenation. nardino, managers of five were at the mieting. Othet lum- Those registered q! tLe meetir-r-g-were:_Par_son Simpkin, bermen from -Riverside, Colton, IJpland, Victorville and Roy L. Sandefur, M. R. Standish, A. D. W!ite'_ H. F. other towns responded to the notice, and without a -single luverklup, W. E. Coorrbs, J. E._SuvgrF"p'^G.-Ll(ramer, exception,.signified their intention of joining_the order, at O. L. Oldfield, p. Dr!1anz, L. W._!_inla;, C,{{gnn;dy' the boncateiation that will be held at San Bernardino on J. Van Vkiet, H. W. Newton, D. Woodhead, F. M. ConThursday night, November 13th. nelly, H. L. Rosenberg, P. B. Hart.
Wm. Day Addresses Hoo Hoo Club No.'9
William Day, Deputy Governor of the Federal Resen'e Bank for Distiict t2, rvittr headquarters in San Francisco, was the speaker of the day at the meeting o{ Horr Hoo Club No. 9 freta at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, October 23. His subject rvas Finance and he ably discussed some of the angles-of the Federal Reserve Banking System. During his discussion, he gave a short outline of the Federal Binking System dating back__to the first United States Bank f5unded by Alexinder Hamilton, toge-ther with -the bankine legislation enacted by Congress and finallv resulted in the-present Federal Reserve Bank System. He-desscribed -in detail the organization and purposes of the present Federal Reserve Banking Sy-stem and closed his ialk with an excellent discussion of Credits and Currency Expansion.
Eill Beebe acted as Chairman of the Day.
Rod Hendrickson presided at the business session of the meeting. The Golden Gate Trio, accompanied by- our orvn Tom Ilomilson on the piano, rendered several fine vocal humbers. President Hendriclison announced in the absence of Henry Hink, Chairman of the-Membership Committee, that a prize of. $10.00 rvould be given to the member securing the lirgest number of members during the month of Novimber. Ted Higgins, Chairman of the Entertainment Committee, announied that the Hoo Hoo Club dance would be held at the Palace Hotel on Saturday evening. November 29, and that further details regarding the dance would be announced at the next meeting.
Harry Carter, of the Van Arsrale-Harris Lumber C.o., u'as thi winner of the attendance prize, a box of cigars, which rvas donated by F. L. Dettman of Pope & Talbot. The specially designed box 24x10 inches made of-Douglas Fir bore the inscription in black on the outside sovcr' "Hoo Hoo Club No. 9" together with the Club emblem of the Cat. On the inside cover was inscribed "Douglas Fir" and "Pope & Talbot." With lm cigars nicely arranged in the box, it made a beautiful .prize and P19tt-deni Rod Hendrickson expressed the thanks of the Club to Mr. Dettman.
Edrvard Ivory of the California White and Sugar-Pine Manufacturer's-Association was announced as the Chairman of the Day at the next meeting which will be held on November 13.
The meeting of the San Diego Hm-Hoo Club, on Ogtober l5th, n'aJwell attended by the local members- The nerv Snark, Joe Restine, presided.
He introdrrced Mr- A. C. Thompkins, an attorney of San Diego, who spoke on "Credits." His talk dealt with the problems of the lumberman, and his collections.
- The Snark fined Art Tensen, of the Dixie Lumber & Supply Company, a box-of cigars. in celebrating the- arrivai -of a fine baby girl, at his house, just a few days previous. Art evidently had expected the penal-ty, be' Lause he produced the smokes immediatety after he was fined.
The Snark introduced two guests, Floyd A. Dernier. of the Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles, and Phil B. Hart, of the "California Lumber Merchant-"