6 minute read
The New Nine at Los Angeles
. Vicegerent Frank Curran, of the Los Angeles District, has just made announcement of the nlembers of the Nine that will serve with him, during this coming FIoo-Hoo vear.
It is a splendid list, made up of men carefully selectecl for their ability, and just about equally divided between the retail end of the business and the rvholesale.
Senior Hoo-Hoo, !. W. lookstavcr, McCullough Lbr. Co.
Junior Hoo-Hoo, Frank Wise, Pattcn & Daviei. Bojum, J. J. Rea, W. R. Chamberlin & Co. Custocation, Mclvin G. Coe, Woodhcad Lumber Co. Arcanoper, Jack Thomas, Coos Bay Lumbar Co. Jabberwock, J. C. Ellis, Santa Fc Lumber Co. Gurdon, Paul Hallingby, Ilammond Lumbcr Co. Scrivenoter, Andy Donovan, IJnion Lumber Co.
At a large attended meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel on October 9, the speaker of the Day was Coleman Cox, the well known Sin Francisco author of the popular books, "Take It From Me," "Listen To This," "Think ft Over," etc., who gave an excellent talk on "Salesmanship and Kindred Top1cs."
The Chairman of the Day was M. A. Harris, President of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co.
Vice-President R. J. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, presided over the business session of the meeting. Frank Trower, Trower Lumber Co.. made a report on the presentation of the Red, rvood Gavel which was donat.d bv the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 for the largest increase in attendance of the HooHoo Clubs throughout the country. The Committee in 9ha1g9 of this contest, vvhich consiited of Frank Trower,, R. F. Hammatt, and J- E. i\{artin, awarded the prize to the Minneapolis Club for the first four months of ihe ensuing year _while the Lansing Club was to have possession oT the Gavel for the last eight months of the year. Mr. Tror,r'er made the award aithe Minneapolis Cohvention.
Miss Louise Francis rendered several delightful songs and recitations. She was accompanied on the piano by Tom Tomilson of the McDonald-Harrington Lumber Co.
The Club Attendance Prize, which was donated bv Charles Dodge, was won by F- L. Dettmen of Pope & Talbot.
W. M. Beebe was selected to be the Chairman of the Day at the hext regular meeting on October 23.
In order to perpetuate the 1924-25 Hoo-Hoo Club for all time to come, and to hand clorvn to the coming generations { picture history of the clult, the I-os Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club have arranged for the compilation of an album of photographs, containing a picture of every member.
Notices are being sent out this week, by Secretary Wickersham, telling of the album, and arranging for the meml>ers to have their sittings, at the Boye's Studios. It is hoped that:they will have at least 90 per cent of the members in the next thirty days, and a strong effort will be made to get them all in.
Pictures of all Past Snarks, and the Dresent one. will be suitably framed and hung in the dining roorn of the l.os Angeles City Club, rvhere the Hoo-Hoo-Club is norv meeting each Thursday noon.
Community Chest Drive At Los Angeles
During the period November lOth to 2oth, twelve thousand volunteer workers, all business men of Los Angeles, will go into the field in what is said to be the largesf first year, charitable campaign that has ever been held. in the Community Chest Campaign for two and one-half million dollars.
President of Fresno Hoo-Hoo Club
Thistandsorne gentleman is Martin D. Johnson, of the Sugar Prne Lumber ComDany.
_ He is President of the- ne*ly formed Fresno Hoo_Hoo Club.
Hoo Hoo Bulletin Arrives
The October issue of the ,.Bulletin" has been received !y.noy, by all of the members throughout the countrv. rt is a beautiful.piece of work ahd Hen-ry irtt"i*.rJl.'i" be_congrattllated on the splendid issue.
Those members wlro lrave not yet received their copy should rvrite to St. Louis for one] it contains much nia_ terial interesting to all Hoo Hoo.
And California lvas not slighted in the least, in its columns.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
^ Th.. mreting- of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club on uctoDer l/th, the last one to be held at the Athletic Club, rvas attended by over fifty of the boys, and it *". on" oi the most successful meetings of the vear.
.4"dy Donovan, of the Union Lrimber Company, was chairman.
It tttg draw_i_ng for the Attendance prize, Frank Con_ nelly, of the Woodhea-d Lumber Company, got the lucky number, calling for a box of cigars.
A.ndy introduced $ljol Draki,-of the U. S. Army, who spofe. very entertainingly on ,;National Deferr.e.i,' He explaine.d in detail the vjrious branches and departmenis o.f the Army, and gave some very interesting hirtory on the accom_plishments of the great body that luards us.
Dave Woodhead made a .uEty_wonderful ,p-"".t-i"lr.- sentjng Past Srrark llermanRosenberg *itt u miiro, clock, from the Los Angeles, F{oo Hoo, as"a token of their esteem for his hard and faithful work, rvhile leading the Club- last year. Herman responded rvith a f.;;;;er-;i thanks, but stated that he was overcome with the pleasant s_u_rprise, and that he could not say .,r"ry -u.li ;;;;i "thank you."
..The fresident urged all the members to prepare for the Drg Loncatenation on the night of November -gth. There is more about this affair elseivhere in this issue. ;-
Frank Duttle of San Francisco, manager of the Sterling Lumber Co. with line yards in Northein Catiforni", ""8 Ed. Haller, manager of Sterling Lumber Co.'yard "[ Lo" Gatos, were recent visitors at Fort Bragg, where they spent s-everal _days inspecting the logging ina m;tt opera_ tions of the Union Lnmber Co.
George Meissner, of the Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, accompanied by his family, has returned from a six weeks' automobile tour that carried him as far east as the Atlantic Coast. His itinerary also included a trip through the Yellowstone National Park and a visit to his old home in Nebraska. FIe reports that thel' had a wonderful time..
(Continued from Page 52) success or failure. carefully so as to or detrimental.
Influences should therefore be studied determine whether they are available
Acquaintances or friends of course form the greater Part of good or bad influences.
Associations will inspire a man to do better work or they will hinder him.
One should choose friends carefully for that reason'
We have seldom known it to fail. The better friends a local salesmanager has the better his work will be'
With the right kind of friends a manager will not get into a rut. He will keep on doing better work all the time'
He will find it difficult to get to going around in a circle'
The old horse in the elevator was forced by circumstances to accept his unpleasant fate, but it is different with men.
And yet there are men who, notwithstanding the fact that they have brains and eyes, are traveling in a circle, blind to every oPPortunitY.
Keep out of the rut.
If you cannot do it yourself cultivate friends who will do it for you.
Tom Driscoll, prominent Portland lumberman, is in charse of the San- Francisco office of the Hill & Morton Lumler Co. during the absence of H. S. Morton who is co.'rralescittg from" a recent -operation. Mr. Driscoll is manager of- their Portland office.
Mason E. Kline of San Francisco, in charge of the Creosoting Department of Chas. R. McCormick & Co' bas returned from a short trip to Los Angeles whcre he attended the Thirteenth Annual Conveniion of the American Association of Port Authorities held at the Biltmore Hotel on October 13, 14 and 15. Mr. Kline states that there was a large attendance at the Convention,-Pgtt.oFcials from all o-ver the country being present. The delegates inspected the Ports of -Los Angeles, I-ong Beacb, ina S"t biego, and also made a trip to Catalina Island'
The La Crescenta vard of the Bettingen Lumber Comoanv. knowr, ." vatd No. 2, has been sold to Bill Miller i,r titl Miller Lumber Company, I-os Angeles. -
This vard tvill be known as the Valley Lumber Yar<l'
N Gabriel Valley Luuber Coupany Starting
The San Gabriel Valley Lumber Company will open a 1'ard at temnle.4!tf rr
Washington, D. C., October 22.-The regular .quartedy meetiner oi the Board of Directors of the National Lumber fvf""oii.t".ers' Association will be held in Washilgton, FJJ;;: N;".mber 21, at l0 A. M., in the new U' S' Cham;;;i'e';;;;;; blita;"g, connecticut Avenue and H Street,, N. W.